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1、钟理主编环境工程专业英语课后习题Unit 1 (P.4)1 Based on Reading Material, put the following into Chinese.life expectancy : 耐用期限,平均寿命poverty-stricken : 贫穷的,贫困的,贫乏的smog-laden air : 烟雾弥漫的天空,烟雾缭绕的空气,阴霾天气global conditions : 全球状况haves and have-nots : 富人和穷人underprivileged : 社会地位低下的,相对贫困的,生活水平低下的,弱势的savanna :热带大草原,稀树草原preda

2、tor :食肉动物,捕食者environmental disruptions : 环境破坏,环境失调2 Put the following into English.农药pesticide / agricultural chemicals (including: pesticide, germicide, herbicide)化肥chemical fertilizer有机废物organic wastes微生物microorganism / microbe衰减attenuation阻滞的retardant / blocking稀释dilution添加剂additive合成塑料synthetic

3、plastic再生regenerationUnit 3 (P.19)1 Put the following into Chinese.(1) Raw materials that lose their usefulness because they sit on the shelf too long become waste.原材料放置过久会失去它们本身性能而变成废弃物。(2) Poor cleaning of parts or inadequate dragout time will reduce the usefulness of the processchemicals, increas

4、e the cost of waste disposal, and the cost of chemical replacement.不良的零件清洗或者不充分的接触时间将减少工艺过程中化学品的有用性,增加处理废弃物的费用以及替换化学药品的费用。(3) Lockheed successfully switched from an alkaline cyanide cadmium bath to an acidicnoncyanide cadmium bath.洛克希德(公司)成功地将碱性氰化镉溶液槽改变为酸性不含氰化镉的溶液槽。(4) Do not try to reinvent the whe

5、el. Develop networking partners to share ideas.不要进行重复研究。发展网络伙伴以分享思想。3 Put the following into Chinese.Waste reduction/waste/minimization: 减少废物/ 废弃物/最小化In-process: 工程内,进程内Housekeeping: 维持管理Equipment modification landfills: 设备改造,填埋Biodegradable solvents: 可生物降解溶剂Volatile chemicals: 挥发性化学品Management comm

6、itment: 管理层的承诺Unit41. Put the following into Chinese.Precision and accuracy 精密度和准确度bulk collection 散装收集matrix material 基质analytical sequence 分析序列multivariate statistics 多元统计interactive effect 互动效应insofar adv. 在的范围;在 情况下 overall analytical scheme 整体分析方案2. Put the following into English.灵敏度 sensitivit

7、y采样 sampling真实时间 actual time样品预处理 sample pretreatment稳定性 stability曲线拟和 Curve fit吸附 adsorption 累积 accumulate分析评价 analysis evaluation物理分离 physical Separation因次图 Dimensional diagram标准方差 Standard varianceUnit 5 (P.34)1 Put the following words or phrase into Chinese.primary pollutant 一次大气污染物secondary pol

8、lutant 二次大气污染物air stagnation 空气流动停滞,大气停滞nitrous oxide 一氧化二氮 (N2O)nitric oxide 一氧化氮(NO)nitrogen dioxide 二氧化氮(NO2)soot 煤烟dust 灰尘smog 烟雾ozone 臭氧herbicide 除草剂pesticide 杀虫剂 / 农药2 Put the following into English.正常浓度 normal concentration严重污染的 serious polluted / heavily polluted决定因素 determining factor光化学氧化物

9、 photochemical oxidant液体微滴 liquid droplet放射性物质 radioactive substance不完全氧化 incomplete oxidization / incomplete combustion含硫的 sulfur-containing风化 wind erosion / weathering汽车尾气 automobile exhaustUnit 6 (P.40)1 Put the following into Chinese(1) The most severe sequence of CO2 induced global warning woul

10、d be melting of the polarice-caps and the subsequent rise of ocean levels and inundation of coastal plains.由CO2 所引起的全球变暖的最严重后果是极地冰帽的熔化,以及随之而来的海平面上升所引发的沿海平原的洪水。(2) Although global warming from the already elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 has beenpredicted by most climatic models, such a warming has

11、 not been empirically observed.虽然大多数气候模型已经预测大气中CO2 浓度的增加将引起全球变暖,但对于这样的气候变暖还没有实证观察过。(3) Although they indicate trends in average surface temperatures and climate, they unfortunatelycoincide with increased industrialization and pollution.尽管这些资料表明了平均地面温度和气候的趋势,但不幸的是,恰恰遇上了这段时期内日益增强的工业化和污染。2 Put the foll

12、owing into English.温室效应 effect of greenhouse由二氧化碳引起的 caused by CO2世界碳预算 world carbon budget天气的自然波动 natural fluctuations in climate全球变暖 global warming厌氧的 anaerobic甲烷 methane臭氧层 ozonosphere气候模型 climatic models腐烂 decayUnit 7 (P.47)3 Put the following into English.出口 outlet多管高效旋风分离器 multitube high-effic

13、iency cyclone合成纤维 synthetic fabric捕集效率 collection efficiency机械洗涤 mechanical scrubbing压力降 pressure drop焚化炉 incinerator气体离子 gas ion捕集板 collection surface碳黑 carbon blackUnit 8 (P.52)1 Put the following into English.尾气 off-gas可应用性 applicability工业规模 full-scale土壤床 soil bed生物过滤器 biofilter固定资本 fixed capital

14、易生物降解的 easily biodegraded2 Put the following into Chinese.VOC 挥发性有机化合物APC 大气污染控制Regulatory program 调整项目Financial support 财政支持Operating cost 操作成本Biodegradation capacity 生物降解能力Environmental media 环境介质Biological 生物学的Technologies 技术、工艺Inorganic air pollutants 无机大气污染物Unit 10 (P.66)1 Put the following int

15、o Chinese.treatment facilities 处理设备per capita per day 每人每天municipality 市政当局 , 自治市population equivalent 人口当量basement flooding 地下室浸水runoff 排水domestic sewage 生活污水type of terrain 地形种类Unit 11 (P.73)1 According to Reading Material, put the following into Chinese.unpalatable 味道差的volatile chemicals 挥发性的化学药品

16、scale in hot pipes 热水管积垢harbor pathogens 窝藏病原体precipitate 使沉淀turbid 混浊的intermittent sources 间歇的污染源fixtures 固定设备2 According to Reading Material, put the following into English.合成有机化合物 synthetic organic compound微生物性能 microbiological properties普遍接受 universal acceptance食品加工 food processing精馏 rectificati

17、on蒸发和冷凝 evaporation and condensation土壤腐蚀 erosion of soil过滤作用 percolating/ filtration副产品 byproduct脱盐 desalinationUnit 12 (P.81)1 According to Reading Material, put the following into Chinese.land disposal 掩埋处置fecal coliform 粪大肠菌群stringent effluent requirement 严格的废水排放要求assimilation capacity 同化能力practi

18、cal outlets 可行的排出途径,现实出路aquatic life 水生生物detrimental to human health 对人体健康有害的endogenous phase 内源生长期Unit 13 (P.89)1 Based on Reading Material, put the following into Chinese.flow monitoring 流量监测equipment age and reliability 装备老化及其可靠性mechanistic facilities 机械设备microbial activity 微生物活性activated sludge

19、活性污泥controlling respiration 控制呼吸oxidation ditches 氧化沟on-line automation 在线自动监测2 Based on Reading Material, put the following into English.手动控制 operator control/ manual control最优化 minimize the effects微处理器 microprocessor统计分析 statistical analysis质量衡算 mass balance动力学 dynamics氧化还原 oxidation and reduction

20、 /redox停留时间 residence time模拟 simulation参数 parameter水解 hydrolysis积分 integralUnit141. Put the following into Chinese.biological degradation 生物降解 ;equalization basin 稳定糖 ; 均化池 ; 调节池 ; 均质池aeration basin 曝气池;曝气塘;通气池sludge flocs 污泥絮体setting tank 固体沉降槽;硬化槽dissolved oxygen 溶解氧biofilm 生物膜;菌膜 n.suspended-grow

21、th 悬浮生长Unit181. Put the following sentences into English.(1) 饮食废物的重要特点在于它具有易腐烂性,尤其在温暖天气里,会极快地腐烂。Food waste important characteristic is that it is easy to decay resistance, especially in warm weather, can very quickly decay.(2) 除了在家庭产生饮食废物外,在自助食堂、饭馆、医院和监狱等机构,以及诸如批发、零售等食品市场,均会产生大量的废物。In addition to fa

22、mily produces food waste outside, in the cafeteria restaurant hospitals and prisons institutions, such as wholesale and retail and food market, all can produce a lot of waste.Unit201. Put the following sentences into English.(1) 在野餐地、公园及其他公共场地随意丢弃纸张、塑料、食品包装盒、瓶子等是另一种常见的污染行为。In the picnic, parks and o

23、ther public site discarded paper, plastics, food packaging, bottles, etc is another common pollution behavior.(2) 把废物粉碎成碎块可以使其体积减少 33%左右。The waste shattered into pieces can make the volume reduced by 33% or so.Unit211. Put the following into Chinese.well-compacted landfill 压实得很好的垃圾填埋场pulverized refu

24、se 粉状的拒绝fluidized bed incineration 流化床焚烧wet oxidation 湿法氧化anaerobic digestion 厌氧消化nutrient source 营养源oil conditioners 石油空调mass-burning 质量燃烧municipal waste 城市垃圾;城市废物;城市废料Notes1. for managerial and administrative reasons 行政管理上的原因2. stacks of generating stations 许多发电站3. waterborne diseases 水污染的疾病4. sop

25、histicated chemical or physical analysis 高级的化学或物理分析。5. Since airborne particles can be inhaled,surface predominance can result in high localized concentrations of chemical species at the points of particle deposition in the lung.由于可以吸入空气中的颗粒,表面控制可以导致肺部颗粒沉积点化学物质局部浓度升高。6. While not one of the analysis

26、 normally performed by analytical chemists,determination of the availability of a chemical species is often necessary.虽然分析化学家并不可能正常地做出每一种分析,但是确定化学物质的种类通常是必要的。7. laboratory-scale simulation 实验室的规模。8. The geographic location of some heavily populated cities,such as Los Angeles and Mexico City,makes th

27、em particularly susceptible to frequent air stagnation and pollution buildup.一些人口非常稠密的城市的地理位置,例如洛杉矶和墨西哥城的地理位置,使得他们经常特别易受空气流动停滞的污积物增加的影响。9. By themselves,measured concentration stell us nothing about the danger caused by pollutants,because threshold levels,synergy,and biological magnification are als

28、o determining factors.测量的浓度自身并未告诉我们有关污染物造成的危害的信息,因为临界浓度,协同作用和生物放大效应都是决定因素。10. Fabric filters usually provide very high collection efficiencies ,exceeding 99.5%, at pressure drops usually ranging from 4 to 6 inches of water.布袋过滤器经常提供超过99.5%的很高的捕集效率,压力降一般在 4-6 英寸水柱。11. The method of removal consists o

29、f passing the particle-laden gas through and electrostatic field produced by a high-voltage electrode and grounded collection surface.去除方法包括使载满微粒的气体通过由一个高压电极和接地捕集表面产生的静电区域。12. In fact, few environmental professionals in this country appear to be aware that “biofiltration,”i.e.,the biological removal

30、 of air contaminants from off-gas streams in a soild phase reactor, is now a well established air pollution control (APC)technology in several European countries,most notably The Netherlands and Germany.实际上,这个国家几乎没有环境的专家似乎意识到在好几个欧洲国家(最显著的是荷兰和德国) , “生物过滤” ,即从固相反应器气流中空气污染物的生物去除法,是一种充分确立的空气污染控制技术。13. T

31、he experience in Europe have demonstrated that biofiltration has economic and other advantages over existing APC technologies, particularly if applied to off-gas streams that contain only low concentrations(typically less than 1000 ppm as methane)of air pollutants that are easily biodegraded.欧洲的经验已经

32、证明,生物过滤较已有的空气污染技术有着经济的和其他方面的优越性,特别是用于仅含有低浓度(典型地是甲烷浓度小于1000ppm)易生物降解的空气污染物的尾气。14. While soil beds have been shown to control certain types of ordors and VOCefficiently and at fairly low capital and operating cost, their use in the U.S. has been limited by the low biodegradation capacity of soils and

33、the correspondingly large space requirements for the deds. 虽然已证实土壤床可用相当低的投资和操作费用来控制某些类型的臭气和挥发性有机化合物,但是,土壤的低生物降解能力和相当大的占地要求限制了土壤床在美国的应用。15. phosphorous 亚磷的(三价磷)phosphorous acid 亚磷酸 phosphoric 磷的(五价磷)16. carbonates,bicarbonates 碳酸盐,碳酸氢盐17. carbohydrates 碳水化合物18. TOC(total organic carbon) 总有机碳19. COD(c

34、hemical oxygen demand) 化学需氧量20. BOD(biological oxygen demand) 生化需氧量21. biodegradable organics 可生物降解的有机物22. whatever the approach , it must be remembered that energy is required to lift water or to pump it through a filter.不论采取哪一种方法,必须记住,提升水或用泵将水输送通过过滤床都需要能量。23. primary treatment24. secondary treatme

35、nt25. trickling filter 滴滤池26. tertiary or advanced treatment 三级或高级处理27. unit operations 单元操作28. Coagulation/flocculation is a chemical-physical procedure whereby particles too small for practical removal by plain sedimentation are destabilized and clustered together for faster settling.混凝/絮凝法是一种化学物理

36、过程,那些太小的用普通沉降法不能去除的颗粒具有在这个过程中失去稳定性能成团的特点,从而能较快的沉淀。29. chlorination 氯化(消毒)30. The primary clarifier is used for removal of grit, oily and fatty material and gross solid material, while the equalization basin is used to dampen wastewater flow variations and to provide more uniform organic loading to t

37、he activated sludge system.预净化池用来处理沙砾、油和脂肪以及总固体物,而均质池则对废水流率的变化进行缓冲同时使活性污泥系统的有机负荷更加均匀。31. This is partly the result of the fact that recirculation of the biomass, which is an integral part of the process ,allows microorgnisms to adapt to changes in wastewater composition with a relatively short accli

38、mation time and also allows a greater degree of control over the acclimated bacterial population.这部分是基于生物质循环这一结果,生物质循环是整个工艺的一部分,它可以使微生物在相对较短的驯化时间内适应废水组分的变化,并能在较大程度上控制驯化菌的数量。32. The end-products,i.e.,alcohols and acids, from those reactions will enter the microorganism and be metabolized by oxidation

39、 reactions catalyzed by endo-enzymes.通过这些反应的最终产品即乙醇和酸进入微生物体内并经胞内酶催化氧化被代谢。33. Dissolved metal ions and fine metal particles produce an adverse effect on microbial metabolism by blinding at the enzyme-active site or causing conformational changes in the enzyme with activated sludge process.溶解的金属离子和细小的

40、金属微粒通过结合于酶的活性位而对微生物的新陈代谢产生不利的影响,或在活性污泥处理过程中导致酶的构象变化。34. Although any number of source classifications can be developed, the following categories have been found useful.虽然已有许多废物来源的分类法,但以下的分类法是很有价值的。35. As a basis for subsequent discussions, it will be helpful to define the various types of solid wast

41、es that are generated.作为以下讨论的基础,定义所产生的各种固体废物是有帮助的。36. In the case of some mineral extractive industries industries such as deep mined coal, china clay and ironstone, there is shorage on the working site as spoil heaps, but this is waste deposition rather than disposal.对某些矿物冶炼工业部门,如深井采煤、采瓷土与采铁矿,常常在工地

42、设置堆积存放场,但这只是废物存放而不是处理。37. Another pretreatment waste technique is incineration , while involves combustion in a furnace at a temperature between 950and 1100C to minimize corrosion and the emission of odours.另一种预处理废物的方法是焚烧,此方法是在温度处于 950-1100C 之间的熔炉中燃烧,以减少腐烂和气味的产生。38. Also it is possible to use the he

43、at energy produced for augmenting electrical generation or district heating,and this is already being carried out in some countries.而且可哟用产生的热能来增加发电量或用于地区取暖,并且这已经正在某些国家应用。39. It has been estimated that if all the household and trade refuse collected in the UK in 1974 had been incinerated and the heat

44、 used ,this could have saved energy equivalent to 6M tones of coal.据估计,如果 1974 年英国所收集的家庭和交易市场的垃圾全部焚烧并且热能都加以利用,则可节约相当于 600 万吨煤的能量。40. cover material 包装、封面类材料41. The newer municipal incinerators are usually the continuously burning type, and many have “waterwall construction in the combustion chamber in place of the older,more common refractory lining.较新的城市焚烧炉通常都是连续燃烧型,在燃烧室内很多都带有“水墙”式结构,取代了陈旧的通常难以处理的衬里。42. Composting is the aerobic decomposition of organic matter by microorganisms,parimarily bacteria and fungi.堆肥处理是有机物的微生物厌氧降解过程,微生物主要是细菌和真菌。43. windrow systems 风干系统


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