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1、Unit 1Section 1 Listening Practice1-2Dialogue 1Reservation Desk singlepresidential breakfast departure guaranteeDialogue 2book confirmhigh occupancies waiting listhandicapped expenses1-3 OPENSection 5 More Exercises5-1 OPEN5-2 B C D A D5-3 OPEN5-4 1) 对不起,单人间预订已满。 双人间可以吗?2) 现在是旺季,实在对不起,请您这星期晚一点再来电话吧,

2、到那时我们也许会有取消预订(的客人)。3) 团体预订我们提供 10%的折扣,先生。4) 请把您的地址留一下好吗,先生?我们马上给您发确认函.5) 我们期望能够有机会再次为您服务。6) Id like to book a Japanese suite with bath from April 10 to April 16.7) The room rate is $50 per night.8) We have an airport representative to receive our guests there. Would you please tell me your flight nu

3、mber?9) Wait a moment, please. Ill check if there is a room available for those daysOh, Im awfully sorry, sir. Our hotel is fully booked in that period, because it is peak season.10) We have single room, double room, suite and French presidential suite.Unit 2Section 1 Listening Practice1-2Dialogue 1

4、baggage Reception Deskadvanced deposits registration formcredit card room cardsDialogue 2record scheduled a morning call buffetDialogue 3check out conventioncancellations departure date1-3 OPENSection 5 More Exercises5-1 D B A E C F5-2 A D C B C C D A A5-3 1) T 2) F 3) T 4) F 5) T 6) T 7) T 8) F 9)T

5、 10) F5-4 1) 请您填写入住登记表并预付 500 元。2)因为您没有预订,恐怕我不得不给您在其他酒店订房了。我们酒店的房间已满。3)我想知道我是否可以在贵酒店再续住两天。4)请记住将您的钱物、贵重物品存在保险箱内,否则一旦出现丢失,酒店概不负责。5)对不起,我没能在预订单里找到您的预订。您是否收到了确认信?5-5 Accepting an InvitationMr. and Mrs. John Smithaccept with pleasurethe kind invitation ofMr. and Mrs. Andrew K.K. Wangto a dinnerat eight

6、oclockthe fifth of JulyNew Asia Hotel100 Deep Water Bay RoadHong KongUnit 3Section 1 Listening Practice1-2Dialogue 1standard banquet hallsbeauty salon billiardDialogue 2Bell Captains Desk piecesfeatures tagsdelivered request curtains brochure1-3 OPENSection 5 More Exercises5-1 ( ) Say “welcome” to t

7、he guests.( ) Introduce the receptionist to the guest.( ) Register for the guests.( ) Check the guests passport.( ) Assist the guests with their baggage.( ) Accompany the guests to the rooms.( ) Deliver messages and mails.( ) Show the room facilities for the new guests.5-2 C A B A C5-3 OPEN5-4 1) si

8、ngle room, double room, suite, presidential suite, deluxe 2) restaurant, banquet hall, bar, caf, patio 3) beauty salon, barber shop 4) billiard room, bowling room, indoor-swimming pool, gym 5) book-store, souvenir shop, supermarket 5-5 1) Im very glad to meet you. Let me take your baggage. A suitcas

9、e and a traveling bag, arent they?2) Let me show you the way to Front Desk. This way, please.3) Do you have any valuables and breakables in your bag?4) Please register at the Front Desk over there.5) Our hotel is a well-equipped and first-rate international hotel.6) I will ask someone to send your l

10、uggage to your room right now.7) 请不要落下行李。8)先生,我来帮您叫辆出租车吧?9)您的行李会单独送上来的。10) 您回酒店的时候可以将酒店的房卡给司机看。5-6 OPEN5-7 OPENUnit 4Section 1 Listening Practice1-2Dialogue 1stuck on ordinaryoverweight envelopeDialogue 2spot go straightorder suggestionsDialogue 3lobby bar Travel agencymessage At your service1-3 OPE

11、NSection 5 More Exercises5-1 OPEN5-2 OPEN5-3 1)沿着这个厅一直向前走,到楼梯就可以了。2)向右拐,走到厅的尽头,右边最后一个房间就是他的。3)书店在地下一层电梯口的对面。4)接待处在咖啡厅入口处的旁边。5)对不起,您走错方向了,请转过去再向前走。5-4 OPEN5-5 1) C 2) B 3) G 4) D 5) F 6) E 7) H 8) A5-6. OPENUnit 5Section 1 Listening Practice1-2Dialogue 1exchange rate memonotes checkDialogue 2check ou

12、t minibarDialogue 3deposit regulationsaccount in cashreceipt understanding1-3 OPENSection 5 More Exercises5-1 3) 4) 5) 6)5-2 1)最近两个小时您是否签过单?2) 希望您在本酒店过得愉快并祝您一路顺风。3)账单的确有错,我深表歉意。4)非常抱歉给您带来不便,我保证类似的事情不回再发生了。5)根据今天的外汇牌价,一美元兑换 6.89 元人民币。6)我再给您开一张收据,再请您核对一下。7)请您在此填写您的姓名、护照号和房间号。8)请在这张兑换单上签字好吗?9)这是 5 张 10

13、0 元钞,4 张 50 元的,10 张 10 元和 25 张 1 元的。10)要兑换回美元,您必须倒中国银行或机场外币兑换处办理。5-2 1) D 2) C 3) A, C 4) A, B, C, D5-4 F T T F F T5-5 OPENUnit 6Section 1 Listening Practice1-2Dialogue 1U disc virusesoriginal draft portable computercopies XeroxedDialogue 2do me a favor pleasuretickets Dialogue 3in advance overhead

14、projector slide projector1-3 OPENSection 5 More Exercises5-1 OPEN5-2 1) cashier 2) business center 3) information desk 4) operator 5) cashier 6) reception desk5-3 F T T F T T5-4 许多饭店的商务中心已新添不少设施,只有一些小型饭店的商务中心还没有让自己的计算机联网。许多商务中心现在均有电子商务服务,如发电子邮件等。有些还专门备有电脑出租,以便让商务客人可以上网或用自己的手提电脑上网。5-5 OPENUnit 7Secti

15、on 1 Listening Practice1-2Dialogue 1invite leave a messagedinner Restaurant Dialogue 2correct pay callspell operator.charges hold the lineDialogue 3a morning call IDD1-3 OPENSection 5 More Exercises5-1 OPEN5-2 T T F F F5-3 have, been, have been trying, dont, leave, do, went, have just, is, didnt, we

16、re, arrived, are, going to do, am going , is, will be, will, will, stay, will.5-4 1) 该电话占线,我一接通就给您转过去好吗?2)这个电话线路有些干扰。3)请您别挂电话,我这就给您接通。4)对不起,斯密斯先生现在不在房间,需要我给您留言吗?5)如果您要挂对方付费电话,请您先拨“0”,请接线员帮您接转。6)周末拨打海外电话会省钱吗?7)一天中有没有什么时间拨打长途比较便宜?8)我的电话没讲完就被掐断了。9)您打给洛杉矶四分钟的电话要付四美元。我们吧这笔费用加到您的账户里了。10)如果是国际长途电话,您可以从电话薄上

17、找到您要拨打的国家代码。打电话的时 间是非常重要的,因为大多数国家都有较为便宜的拨打时段。这些时段对于不同的国家是不同的。您可以向邮局或大的饭店询问。5-5 Letter of reservation: 5, 3, 7, 8, 2, 1 Letter of confirmation: 11, 6, 9, 4, 10Unit 8Section 1 Listening Practice1-2Dialogue 1noise awfullychange returnDialogue 2sound promised heard from tourist map wondering as soon as

18、possible.Dialogue 3take any notice misunderstanding 1-3 OPENSection 5 More Exercises5-1 OPEN5-2 1) exactly, exact, exact, exact. 2) run, run, run, runs3) missing, missed, missed, missing, missed 4) attend, attend, attention, attention.5) immediate, immediate, immediately, immediately 6) risen, raise

19、, rises, rise.5-3 C C A B B C D A C A5-4 1)Thank you for telling us about it. Ill look into the matter at once.2) Ill solve the problem for you as soon as possible.3) Im afraid you have misunderstood what I said. Perhaps I can explain again.4) Excuse me, but I should say its against our hotel regula

20、tions.5) I wont check out until tomorrow5-5 OPEN 5-6 OPENUnit 9Section 1 Listening Practice1-2Dialogue 1attendant arrival listhandle comfortableDialogue 2temperature adjuster laundry bagsockets shavertap pressDialogue 3remote control extension number1-3 OPENSection 5 More Exercises5-1 OPEN5-2 F T F

21、T T5-3 T T T T T F F F F F5-4 into, with, in, as, with, with, into(to), of, in.5-5 OPEN5-6 OPENUnit 10Section 1 Listening Practice1-2Dialogue 1check-out vacatedtake a nap appreciate Dialogue 2turn-down celebrate convenient overnight Chinese Dialogue 3toilet paper roll alcohol soft drinks1-3 OPENSection 5 More Exercises 5-1 OPEN5-2 T F F F F F T T F5-3 1) d 淡季 2) c 夜晚 3) b 平季 4) h 小时 5) e 待洁房 6) g 空净房 7) f 关闭房 8) a 免费5-4 1) E 2) C 3) D 4) B 5) A5-5 C A B D C5-6 OPEN5-7 OPENUnit 11Section 1 Listening Practice1-2


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