英语即兴演讲题目英语即兴演讲题目(09年CCTV杯半决赛即兴题目)2009年11月12日第一场比赛1. Should a ban be imposed on unrestricted advertisement to send text messages into mobile phones? (是否应该限制手机乱发广告信息)2. Wouldnt it be fair for men to retire earlier than women? (男性比女性提前退休是否公平?)3. Is it patriotic to pay to bring back artifacts stolen by other countries? (购买国际市场上的中国被盗古董是否是爱国行为?)4。Are people who have owned more than a home being selfish? (拥有一套以上房子的人自私吗?)5. Does an all-star cast enchance or distract a f