基于内容的图像检索摘要:常人在平日的生活中只能记住自己听到过内容的10%,记住自己阅读过内容的30%,却能记住自己看过内容的80%。视觉是人类获得信息的重要途径。越来越多的图像搜索引擎亮相公众,人们的图片检索更加快捷。本文介绍了基于内容图像检索技术的原理及基于这些原理的近几年出现的图像搜索引擎。关键词:搜索引擎;图像检索;特征提取;CBIRResearch on the Content-based Image Search EnginesAbstract:people can only remember 10% heard, 30% read, but remember 80% of what they saw.Everyday,we can get a lot of information through our eyes.An increasing number of image search engines show the public to make people more convenient to search pictures. In this pa