浅议城市高层住宅建筑采暖设计【摘要】本文就以当今城市的主体建筑-高层住宅建筑为研究对象,从供暖方式的选用、室内采暖设计和室外采暖设计三方面来说明高层住宅建筑的采暖设计情况。以供同行商榷,论述不当之处欢迎大方之家不惜教诲。【关键词】高层、热电联产、分户计量、室内、室外、热负荷、散热器、水力、采暖设计【 abstract 】 this paper in order to become the main architecture of the city-high-rise residential buildings as the research object, the selection of heating means, indoor heating design and outdoor heating design from three aspects of the high-rise residential buildings that heating design. for peer discussion, this paper discusses not appr