口译二阶段话题“食品安全”上一篇 / 下一篇 2012-05-02 23:58:15 查看( 42 ) / 评论( 0 ) / 评分( 0 / 0 ) 最近比较热门的关于中国食品安全的质疑,准备口译二阶段考试的学生应该对这个话题做些准备,无论是melamine-contaminated milk, toxic capsule or gutter oil,都可以往这个话题上引。我模仿初中生的思路写了一篇,希望能给学生一些思路。There have been several reports revealing the problem about food safty, it turns out that food safety has become a serious problem we need to worry about. If food isnt hygienic, people will get diseases after eating, whichwill cause terrible consequences. First, if chil