金肯形象手册的汉语对照翻译1企业文化:企业文化是企业结构的内在支柱,我们在保持自身发展的同时,把文化理念作为经济运行中的深厚背景和坚定信念,使员工上下一心,对内增强凝聚力,对外增强竞争力;并致力于将文化转化为经济效益,以回报社会,塑造金肯鲜明的核心价值和品牌形象。Corporate culture: Corporate culture is the structure of the inner pillars, we have to maintain their own development, the cultural concept as the economic operation of the deep background and strong faith, so that employees of one mind, strengthen internal cohesion and external to enhance competitiveness; and is committed to cultural transformation as the e