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1、TKT 认证培训真题选编 Source: http:/ 一、 “语言及语言教学背景知识”证书真题选编 For questions 11-16, choose the correct word(s) to complete each definition of lexical terms. Mark the correct letter (A, B or C) on your answer sheet. 11. _A_ is a group of words which together mean something different from the meanings of the indi

2、vidual words. A. An idiom B. A phrase C. A clause 12. Colloquial English contrasts with _A_ English. a) formal B. accurate C. spoken 13. Two or more words that often go together are called _B_. a) comparatives(比较级) B. collocations (并列,搭配词 ) C. conjunctions (连接词 连词 ) 14. Homophones(同音词) are words tha

3、t have the same _B_. a) spelling B. sound C. meaning 15. Synonyms(同义词 0 are words with _B_ meanings. a) opposite B. similar C. several 16. An appropriate (适当) _A_C_ is the style of language that best fits a particular situation. a) rhythm(节奏 韵律 ) B. context (上下文) C. register (登记 注册 ) For questions 6

4、0-66, match the statements with the teaching approaches that they describe A, B or C. Mark the correct letter (A, B or C) on your answer sheet. Teaching approaches A. Presentation, Practice and Production (PPP) B. Task-based Learning (TBL) C. Grammar-Translation Statements A 60. The teacher moves fr

5、om providing models of language use to monitoring learners use of language. 61. B First the learners complete a communicative task: they are encouraged to use any English they know and they do not have to use any particular language item. 62. C The written form of the language is more important than

6、 the spoken form. 63. A The language focus is at the start of the teaching sequence, with fluency activities coming later. 64. B The language focus comes after a communicative activity, so that learners notice gaps in their language. 65. A B Learners acquire language by trying to use it in real comm

7、unicative situations. 66. C The learners first language plays a central role in the teaching. 一, “语言及语言教学背景知识 ”证书真题选编 11-16提问,选择正确的单词( S)以完成每一个词术语的定义。 马克正确的信你的答卷(甲,乙或 C)。 11。 _是一个词,两者平均小组的东西,从不同的含义 个人的话。 答:一个成语乙短语长阿条款 12。英语口语与 _英文对照。 1)正式乙准确的长发言 13。两个或多个 单词,通常会一起被称为 _。 1)对比乙搭配长连词 14。同音词是指那些具有相同的 _。

8、1)拼写二声长的含义 15。同义词是文字 _意义。 1)乙对面几个类似的长 16。适当的 _是语言风格,最适合在特定情况。 1)节奏 B.背景长登记 60-66提问,配合教学方法的发言,他们描述 甲,乙或丙 马克正确的信你的答卷(甲,乙或 C)。 教学方法 A.介绍,实践和生产(购买力平价) 二任务型学习( TBL)的 长语法翻译 发言 60。 从语言的使用模型的老师提供移动监测学习者使用 语言。 61。 首先,学生完成交际任务:它们是鼓励他们使用任何英语 知道他们没有使用任何特定的语言项目。 62。 此语言的书面形式是最重要的口语形式。 63。 该语言的重点是在教学序列的开端,今后的活动流利

9、 稍后。 64。 来自焦点的语言交际活动后,使学员在他们的差距通知 语言。 65。 学习者获得通过尝试应用到实际情况,它的语言交际。 66。 学习者的第一语言,起着核心作用的教学。 二、 “课程计划制 定及教学资源利用”证书真题选编 For questions 1-7, match the learner activities with the appropriate teaching aims l Mark the correct letter (A-H) on your answer sheet. There is one extra option which you do not nee

10、d to use. Teaching aims A. to practise deducing the meaning of words form context B. to develop the skills of peer correction C. to give practice in oral fluency D. to give practice in extensive reading E. to give controlled practice of structures F. to recycle vocabulary G. to focus on pronunciatio

11、n H. to give practice in using new vocabulary Learner activities 1. Learners complete a gap-fill grammar exercise in a workbook. 2. Learners have a group discussion on a topic of their choice. 3. Learners exchange workbooks and check their partners work. 4. Learners play a word game based on words s

12、tudied last term. 5. Learners write a story using words the teacher has just presented. 6. Learners mark the stress on recently taught words. 7. Learners find words in a reading text and match them with definitions given by the teacher. For questions 30-36, put the stages (A-H) of a reading skills l

13、esson plan in order. Mark the correct letter (B-H) on your answer sheet. The first stage (A) is done for you. You do not need to use option A again. 0. .A. 30. _ 31. _ 32. _ 33. _ 34. _ 35. _ 36. _ A. The teacher tells students the title of the story-A long journey. B. Students read for gist to see

14、if their predictions were right, and the class discuss their answers with the teacher. C. The teacher gives students comprehension questions to read. D. Students brainstorm words connected with journeys. E. Students read for specific information. F. In pairs, students check their answers. G. Student

15、s use their answers to re-tell the story in pairs. H. The teacher gives students a list of words from a story a journey. Students check which of their words are in the list, and then guess what the story will be about. 三、 “课堂教学组织与学习过程管理”证书真题选编 For questions 1-7, match the examples of teachers classr

16、oom language with their functions listed A-H. Mark the correct letter (A-H) on your answer sheet. There is one extra option which you do not need to use. Teachers classroom language Functions 1. Listen, I like playing football, repeat everyone, I like playing football. 2. Maria collect the books, pl

17、ease. 3. Tell me three adjectives beginning with the letter C. 4. Just listen to how I say it poTAtoes. 5. Okay, discuss it with your partner now, please. 6. Im really full, Ive just eaten a big lunch. Am I hungry now? 7. Lets have a look. Yes, thats great. Now try the next one. A. checking understa

18、nding B. emphasizing word stress C. drilling D. checking instructions E. monitoring F. eliciting G. organizing pairwork H. nominating For questions 71-75, look at the situations in which a teacher corrects students and at the correction strategies listed A, B or C. Two of the correction strategies a

19、re appropriate in each situation. One of the correction strategies is NOT appropriate. Mark the correction strategy (A, B or C) which is NOT appropriate on your answer sheet. 71. A student says the word August with poor pronunciation, in open class. The teacher A. says the word correctly, and asks t

20、he student to repeat it. B. writes the word in phonemic script on the whiteboard. C. asks the student to say the word again, with no correction, and then moves on. 72. Students tell stories about themselves in groups of three. The teacher corrects students language A. quietly, as she is monitoring t

21、heir group storytelling. B. after the group stage, by focusing on problems she noted down during the group stage C. later when she asks the weaker students to tell their stories to the whole class。 73. In a controlled practice exercise on the past continuous, a pre-intermediate student says I drivin

22、g down the road when it happened. The teacher A. uses hand gestures to show that there is a missing word. B. mimes driving to show the student that she has understood. C. points to the model sentence on the whiteboard to remind the student of the form. 74. At the start of class, when students are ta

23、lking in open class, one of the learners says, Th film was interested. The teacher A. says Interesting or interested? B. says Theres a grammar problem there, Maria. What about your weekend, Hassan? C. says You were interested, so the film was_? (with rising intonation) 75. In a controlled writing pr

24、actice activity, a learner makes several mistakes in recently studied language. The teacher A. marks the writing using a correction code. B. gives the writing to a peer to correct. C. ignores the mistakes in the writing. , “课程计划制定及教学资源利用 ”证书真题选编 提问 1-7,配合适当的教学,学习活动的目的升 马克正确的信你的答卷( AH)的。 有一个额外的选项,您不需

25、要使用。 教学目标 答:实行推断的形式方面含义 二,以发展技能等更正 长,给予口头流利实践 d.与给予广泛阅读实践 大肠杆菌给控制结构的实践 楼回收词汇 湾把重点放在发音 每小时向在使用新词汇的实践 学习活动 1。学员完成一个缺口填补工作簿中的语法演习。 2。学员对自己选择的课题小组讨论。 3。学习者交流工作簿,并检查他们的伙伴的工作。 4。学习者玩文字游戏 文字的基础研究上一届。 5。学员写一个故事用老师刚才提出的话。 6。学习者马克教授在最近的话压力。 7。学员找到一读案文的话,跟在老师给他们的定义。 30-36提问,把阶段( AH)的一个阅读的技能,以便教案。 马克正确的信你的答卷(波黑

26、)。 第一阶段( A)是替您完成了。您不必再使用方案 A。 0。 .答: . 30。 _ 31。 _ 32。 _ 33。 _ 34。 _ 35。 _ 36。 _ 答:老师告诉学生的故事标题 - A长途旅行 。 二学生阅读的要点,看看他们的预测是正确的,并 类与老师讨论他们的答案。 C的老师给学生阅读理解的问题。 D.学生灵机一动字连接旅程。 大肠杆菌学生阅读的具体资料。 F.在对学生检查他们的答案。 湾学生利用他们的回答再次告诉成对的故事。 每小时老师给学生的话,从一个故事的旅程名单。 检查学生对自己的言论是在列表中的,然后猜 到底怎么回事将约为。 三, “课堂教学组织与学习过程管理 ”证书真

27、题选编 提问 1-7,符合教师课堂语言的例子,其职能与上市 阿 - H标准。 马克正确的信你的答卷( AH)的。 有一个额外的选项,您不需要使用。 教师课堂语言功能 1。听着,我喜欢踢足球,每个人都重复,我喜欢玩 足球。 2。玛丽亚收集到的书籍,请。 3。告诉我三个形容词以字母开头的 C。 4。大家听我怎么说,马铃薯。 5。好吧,你的伴侣讨论,现在,请。 6。我真的很充分,我刚吃了丰盛的午餐。我饿了吗? 7。让我们看看。是的,是伟大的。现在尝试下一个。 答:检查了解 二强调重音 长钻孔 D.检查指导 E.监测 楼引出 湾组织 pairwork 每小时提名 提问 71-75,在情况下,一个老师纠

28、正学生在看 矫正策略上市的 A, B或 C 战略的调整是适当的两个每种情况。其中纠正策略 是不合适的。 马克的修正策略(甲,乙,丙),这是不是在您的答卷适当的。 71。一个学生说,这个词 八月 差的发音,在公开课。老师 答词说,正确,并要求学生重复。 二写在白板上的音素文字脚本。 长要求纠正学生没有说一句话再次,然后转移。 72。学生在自我介绍三组故事。老师纠正学生 语言 答:平静,因为她是监察小组讲故事。 b.在小组 赛阶段,由她指出,问题在小组下阶段重点 长后来,她要求较弱的学生讲述自己的经历全班。 73。在对过去进行,预先控制的中间学生实践演习说 我 开车上路时发生。 老师 答:用手势表明,是一个缺失的词。 二默剧驾驶,以显示她理解学生。 长点白板上的模型一句提醒形式的学生。 74。在当学生上课一开始在公开课,对学生一谈,说, 钍 电影很感兴趣。 老师 答:说 有趣或感兴趣? 乙说: 有一个语法的问题有,玛丽亚。怎么你的周末,哈桑? 长说, 你有兴趣,所以 was_? ( 不断上升的语调电影) 75。 在受控制的写作实践活动,培养学习者提出了若干错误,最近研究 语言。老师 答:商标使用的文字纠错码。 二给予对等,以书面纠正。 长忽略文字的错误。


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