第一部分 安全行车、文明驾驶基础知识Part 1. Knowledge on Safe and Courteous Driving二、选择题Multiple Choice(82 题)1.行车中,遇非机动车抢行时,应怎样做?A.鸣喇叭警告 B.加速通过C.减速让行D.临近时突然加速When encountering non-motorized vehicles cutting in on the road, the driver should _. A. Honk to warn B. Speed up and passC. Reduce speed and yieldD. Suddenly speed up when approachingAnswer: C2.车辆因故障必须在高速公路停车时,应在车后方至少多少米处设置故障警告标志,夜间还需开启示廓灯和后位灯?A.200米B.150米C.100米D.50米When a vehicle has to stop on an expressway d