Lesson 11. 这种微妙的关系能维持多久呢?How long can the subtle relationship be maintained?2. 双方都将谈判破裂归咎于对方。Both sides attributed the breakdown in negotiation to each other side.3力不但有大小(magnitude)而且有方向。A force has direction as well as magnitude.4在敌人的屠刀面前,他毫无惧色。He exhibited no fear before his enemys sword.5逆境中的三年使得他得益非浅。He benefited a lot from the three years in adverse circumstances.6乔伊斯先生不赞成旗子买那么多衣服。Mr. Joyce disapproved of his wifes buying so many clothes.7那部小说索然无味,我读不下去。Th