英语专业文学课阅读旨趣再认识刘建梅 【摘 要】英语专业文学课的主要内容是通过西方文学经典阅读训练英语思维、培养文化批判意识,是不可多得的素质教育源泉。本文就经典何为、何为经典以及如何阅读经典等问题提出作者的看法,探讨英语专业文学课培养文学思维、塑造文化人格的可行途径。【关键词】专业英语 经典 阅读旨趣 文学教育【Abstract】The western canon reading is a necessity for students of English majors because it carries the essence of the culture and serves as a source of essential-qualities-oriented education in terms of contrastive and critical thinking. The paper is to discuss the function and the implication of the canon reading respectively,