If only it were that easy不当家不知柴米贵,不生孩子不知肚子痛American comments about Turkey betray a lack of understanding of the European Union 美国对欧盟拒绝接纳土耳其的指责纷纷扬扬,反而暴露出其对欧盟缺乏理解Jun 17th 2010 SHUT up, please, you are not helping. That, with respect, would be Charlemagnes advice to Americas foreign-policy establishment, as its big guns nag the European Union into admitting Turkey swiftly, so as to anchor Turks to “the West”.闭嘴吧,你们是在帮倒忙。这就是查理曼对美国外交当局的建议,但绝无不敬之意。美国外交界的大人物们喋喋不休,催促欧盟出于将土耳其拴在西