| You have to believe, there is a way. The ancients said: the kingdom of heaven is trying to enter. Only when the reluctant step by step to go to it s time, must be managed to get one step down, only have struggled to achieve it. - Guo Ge Tech托业TOEIC词汇汇总一、 办公室事宜 Office matters(1)1.appointment 约会,约定2.attendance 出席人数;出席3.cabinet 橱柜4.calendar 日历;月历;行事历5.clerk 办事员,书记6.directory 人名住址薄7.duplicte 复制;副本8.filing 归档9.in-tray 待处理文件盒10.monitor 检测;监视;追踪11.out-tray 已处理