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1、科技论文的英语表达及英文摘要的写作 概 述意义 :纵向传播 ;横向交流现实 :付出与目的并非一致;锻炼,供人学习误人子弟难度 :非易事 ,但非不能 ;3000词汇 ;基本语感 ;英语思维要点 :(1)内容的完整性 ;(2)数据跟文中 /中文是否一致;(3)内容可以不跟中文全对应 ,应比中文更详细 ;(4)主谓一致 :常识 ,但错误不少见 ;(5)时态 :简单 ,但有时也很难掌握 ;(6)语态 :有讲究 ,但基本不限 ;(7)人称 :可一可三 ;(8)词法 :重点 ;(9)语法 :基本 ;(10)句法 :转换七绝 终审之一洋洋洒洒二十万 ,字字句句过我筛 。正体斜体需审定,大写小写亦仲裁。之二常

2、遇新语需释义 ,遍翻辞书哪有迹 ?光盘检索千百次 ,头脑析分定无歧 ! 出差今日去北京,明天返广州,虽只住一晚,电脑也同路。 成都会议蓉城十月是金秋 ,百万客房一无留 ,车水马龙奔九寨 ,孤家寡人回广州 。 蝶恋花 三亚行伫立危楼阳光媚。鹤落鹤飞,银羽熠熠辉。人说海南山水美,天涯海角游人醉。今到三亚赴一会。扬我学报,风景又何味?会后旧朋结新友,足不出屋也无悔。垂钓忙里偷闲应郊游,临置渔具钓花都。人在池旁心系刊,一叠文稿不离手。七律 周日加班有感鞠躬尽瘁创品牌,不仅本土更海外。寒暑有假不曾度,昼夜各吃一中餐。周日伏案逾八时,累极背项疼难耐。摇头晃脑再一程,有怨无悔图心安。 国庆长假赋长假又七天,

3、人皆议景点;友人频来电,问可来游园? “学报十期在编,写作课次层迭,保先自评三千,交稿近在眼前。 ” 科技日新月异,新语屡见不鲜,英文修改何其难,长词短句须慎选。 终日埋头电脑前,常为一词觅三天。 鼠标手,职业颈,荧屏眼。蚁影游动,字里行间,困睡沙发,饥餐素面。一旦模棱定一可,喝口凉水嘴也甜。诸君疑问何所求?我为名刊当总编!(虽苦尤荣,乐在其中)2005 10 06 提纲1.摘要的类型 2.英文摘要与中文摘要的区别3.摘要常用词和句型4.摘要的语态和人称5.摘要的时态6.摘要常用表达和几个 /组高频词辨析7.虚词的用法8.副词的用法9.关于 Chinglish10.修辞11.分词、合成词有关问

4、题12.名词的特殊用法及名词的数1、摘要的类型 1.1 评论性摘要 (Critical abstract) 1.2 说明性摘要 (Descriptive abstract) 1.3 资料性摘要 (Informative abstract) 1.4 资料 -指示性摘要 (Informative-indicative abstract) 1.5 结构式摘要 (Structured abstract) 1.1 评论性摘要不常用 ,可见于综述 ,内容上侧重于评价 /论理 . ABSTRACT: Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis (ATIN) is a common

5、disorder characterized by a spectrum of clinical manifestations ranging from asymptomatic urinary abnormalities to acute oliguric renal failure. Tubular dysfunction out of proportion to the degree of renal failure is an important clue to the diagnosis. This review describes its pathogenesis, pathoph

6、ysiology, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapy, emphasizing the drug-induced form of ATIN. 1.2 说明性摘要又称指示性或通报性摘要 (Indicative abstract): 说明文章的内容范围,只是简单地报道研究主题,泛泛而谈,不涉及具体内容。一般只一到三句话,多见于临床医学论文。 Example The survival rates of a series of patients with unstable angina treated surgically and medica

7、lly are compared. 1.3 资料性摘要 : 详细、具体,重要观点和数据 Postoperative bleeding is usually attributed to stress ulcer; however, occult preoperative lesions could also be responsible (背景 ). To determine their frequency and nature, we prospectively examined 72 patients (目的 ) endoscopically prior to major elective

8、operations. Entry criteria included a planned stay in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit, 2 days, and a negative history, physical examination, and stool guaiac (愈伤木脂,一种检便潜血试剂 ). Gastric and duodenal mucosae were scored separately, using a 0- to 7-point scale. Scores were graded negative (0), hyperemi

9、a (1), gastroduodenitis (2-5), mucosal erosions (6), and ulcers (7) (方法 ). Erosions or ulcers were found in 14% of patients and gastroduodenitis is an additional 10%. We found that none of the 27 risk factors or any combination of factors tested correlated with ulcers, erosoins, or gastroduodenitis

10、(结果 ). Thus, patients with asymptomatic gastroduodenal erosions or ulcerations could not be identified preoperatively, except by endoscopy (结论 ). Until the significance of these lesions as cause of postoperative bleeding is determined, we recommended routine postoperative gastric pH titration with antacids for patients undergoing major elective operations (建议 ).


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