三组英语话剧剧本 第一幕 虐杀死亡 只是一个开始Death , is a beginning1942年冬季的一天 寒冷刺骨It is cold on this winter day in 1942自从被带到纳粹集中营里 我的日子生不如死Ever since I was brought into this nazi concentration camp I an almost dead我不知道明天会发生什么 每早醒来 我都会问我自己这是不是我的最后一天I did not know what would happen tomorrow. Every morning I woke up,I wondered whether the day was a end or not我不知道最终我会以何种方式死亡 更不奢望会从这里逃出去 对我而言 这里就是地狱I did not know how I would die , not expecting escaping from here. It was hell to me谁能来救救我Who cou