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1、ThanksgivingThanksgiving became a holiday almost 400 years ago, in 1621. The legendary pilgrims crossed the Atlantic in the year 1620 in Mayflower. About 102 people traveled for nearly two months with extreme difficulty. Though the original destination was somewhere in the northern part of Virginia,

2、 they could not reach the place owing to winds blowing them off course. 感恩节大约是在 400年前的 1621年成为一种节日的。具有传奇色彩的清教徒,乘坐著名的 “ 五月花 ” 号帆船于 1620年穿越大西洋。约有 102人历尽千辛万苦,历时近 2个月才得以到达。尽管原先的目的地是在维吉尼亚的北部某处,但是由于强劲的海风使他们偏离了航线,他们没能到达计划好的地点。Nearly 46 pilgrims died due to extreme cold in winter. However, in the spring of

3、1621, a native Indian brought them necessities and especially sent someone to teach the pilgrims to survive by growing food and hunting animals. 近 46名清教徒死于严冬的寒冷。然而,在 1621年的春天,一位印第安原住民给他们送来了生活必需品,还特地派人教他们怎样依靠狩猎、种植生存下去。在 1621年秋天的时候,他们举行了一个盛大的庆典,共有 90人包括印第安人被邀请参加。这次盛宴就是为了感谢上天的恩惠,而被广泛认为是 “ 第一顿感恩节宴会 ” 。I

4、n the autumn of 1621, they held a grand celebration where 90 people were invited including Indians. The grand feast was organized to thank god for his favors. This communal dinner is popularly known as “The first thanksgiving feast”. A national dayGeorge Washington proclaimed a National Day of Thank

5、sgiving in 1789. The idea attracted mixed reaction. 乔治 华盛顿在 1789年宣布感恩节为全国节日。该提议引起各种争议。After a number of events and changes, President Lincoln proclaimed last Thursday in November of thanksgiving in the year 1863. This was due to the continuous efforts of Sarah Josepha Hale, a magazine editor. She wr

6、ote a number of articles for the cause. 经过一系列的事件和变化,林肯总统在 1863年宣布, 11月的最后一个周四为感恩节。这些都归功于一位杂志编辑,撒拉 约瑟 黑尔长期不懈的努力。她编写了大量的文章支持确定该节日。The customs of Thanksgiving are, eating, seeing your family, singing, thanking people for coming over and coming to their celebration! It is a thankful holiday!Speak out yo

7、ur Thanksgiving wishes and let your families and friends know that your care about them. Thanksgiving is a Great time to tell your friends that we love them.Thanksgiving is a Great time to tell your parents that we love them.TV dinnerIn 1953, someone at Swanson severely overestimated the amount of t

8、urkey Americans would consume that Thanksgiving. With 260 tons of frozen birds to get rid of, a company salesman named Gerry Thomas ordered 5,000 aluminum trays, recruited an assembly line of women armed with spatulas and ice-cream scoops and began creating mini-feasts of turkey, corn-bread dressing, peas and sweet potatoes creating the first-ever TV dinner. Thomas later said he got the idea from neatly packaged airplane food.冰冻简餐1953年,在美国斯万森的某公司严重错误地估计了美国人民在感恩节消耗火鸡的数量。面对卖不掉的 260吨冰冻火鸡,该公司的销售员盖瑞汤玛斯定来 5000个铝质餐盒和一个生产线的妇女,帮忙把火鸡肉切碎、分装,再配上甜玉米、青豆和土豆 就此创造了全世界 第一盒冰冻简餐。汤玛斯说他的灵感来源于飞机餐。


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