2012媒体与阅读年会征文图书馆服务创新刍议On the innovation of Library Service左培远 (淮安市图书馆 )Zuo Peiyuan ( Library of Huaian, )摘要 本文在阐述了图书馆人文精神的内涵,弘扬人文精神的必要性和重要性、及重塑人文精神基本原则的基础上,探讨了图书馆服务创新的途径。 Abstract this paper expounds the connotation of library humanistic spirit, carrying forward the humanistic spirit and the necessity and importance of humanistic spirit, and reconstruction based on fundamental principles, discusses the library service innovation way. 关键词 图书馆 服务创新 Key words Lib