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1、Fools DayWake up straight called out by the sun 被清晨的阳光所唤醒 On the first day of April 这是四月的第一天 Out of bed 起了床 Lord it was a plane crash 上帝啊 报道说有架飞机已坠毁 But Im sure that I was dreaming 相信那是愚人节在开玩笑 Tv on 电视上 Of course caffeine and signs of submission again 又在讲 人们对毒品和罪行缴械投降 Another day 这是新的一天 On this litt

2、le island 在这个小岛上 Just a bell hangs on 只有钟声会按时敲响 Porridge done 麦片粥已经做好 I take my kid to school 我送孩子们去学校 Passed the pound shop, Woolworths 途中路过 Woolworths一磅店 Under bridge 来到桥下 Where the subway sees the daytime 在那里 高速公路看着世态万象 愚人节由来In 1582, king Charles ix of France has decided to adopt the new reform j

3、i method - Gregorian calendar (i.e., the current generic sun), to January 1 as the beginning of the year, changed the past April 1 as the beginning of the New Year.But some old school against this kind of reform, still according to the old calendar day on April 1 to send the new coming to celebrate

4、the New Year.Advocate the reform of the old school pilloried these practices, on April 1 false gift to them, invite them to fake party.From then on, started playing tricks on April 1.When people cheated, playing tricks on people he will shout loudly: “April fool“ (“ POISSON D began “), meaning “tric

5、k“ in April.The origin of this idiom is the original meaning is not clear. 愚人节由来1582年,法国国王查理九世决定采用新改革的纪法 格里高利历(即目前通用的阳历),以 1月1日为一年的开始,改变了过去以 4月 1日为新年的开端。但一些守旧派反对这种改革,依然按照旧的历法在 4月 1日这天送新年礼,庆祝新年。主张改革的人把守旧派这些做法大加嘲弄,在 4月 1日给他们送假礼物,邀请他们参加假聚会。从此, 4月 1日捉弄人便流传开来。当人上当受骗的时候,捉弄他的人会大叫: “ 四月之愚 ” ( “ POISSON DAVR

6、IL” ),意为 “ 四月恶作剧 ” 。这句成语的由来与原来之意义已不清楚。Festival customs 节日习俗4月1日的鱼宴也是别开生面的。参加鱼宴的请帖,通常是用纸板做成的彩色小鱼。餐桌用绿、白两色装饰起来中间放上鱼缸和小巧玲珑的钓鱼竿,每个钓竿上系一条绿色飘带,挂着送给客人的礼物或是一个精巧的赛璐珞鱼,或是一个装满糖果的鱼篮子。不言而喻,鱼宴上所有的菜都是用鱼做成的。On April 1 of fish meal is also special.An invitation to the fish meal, usually made of cardboard color small

7、 fish.Table with two green, white colors to decorate. Tank on middle and small and exquisite of fishing rods, and each is a green ribbon on the fishing pole, is hanging the guests gift or a exquisite celluloid fish, or a fish basket full of candy.It goes without saying that the fish feast on all the

8、 dishes are made of fish. 被愚名人比尔 盖茨 不幸成 “愚人 ”2002 比尔盖茨 年 4月 1日, 加拿大 魁北克省蒙特利尔市一家法语电台的两位喜剧播音员决定愚人节要找个 “更难欺骗的家伙 ”来 “开心 ”一下,于是他们打电话给微软公司总部,声称是加拿大总理办公室工作人员,要让盖茨接听克雷蒂安总理的电话。令人惊讶的是,盖茨的助手竟然没有核实对方身份就轻易接通了老板的电话。于是,这两个 “骗子 ”冒充克雷蒂安与盖茨进行了 10分钟的电话交谈。话题天马行空,从经济到Windows XP,谈得十分投机。最后, “克雷蒂安 ”还邀请盖茨有空来加拿大玩,盖茨欣然接受。Bill

9、 Gates into a “fool“ unfortunately2002Bill Gates,April 1, Quebec, Canada Montreal a French radio announcer two comedy decided to find a April fools day “is more difficult to cheat“ to “happy“, and they make a phone call to the headquarters of Microsoft, and claims to be Canadas prime minister, offic

10、e staff, to make answer phone calls, prime minister chretien, gates.Surprisingly, Mr Gatess assistant did not verify each other easily through the bosss telephone number.So that the two “liar“ pretending to be jean chretien had 10 minutes of phone conversations with gates.Powerful and unconstrained

11、style, from economic to Windows XP, talked very speculative.Finally, “Christian“ also invite gates is free to Canada to play, gates embrace. 蒙娜丽莎的皱眉 1991年英国 蒙娜丽莎皱眉 独立报 报道称,一个艺术小组在擦拭名画 蒙娜丽莎 时发现了一个惊人的秘密,在将画上的蒙尘去掉之后,这位以 “神秘的微笑 ”风靡世界的女子竟然皱着眉头。 The independent newspaper reported that a team of art in polished painting “Mona Lisa“ found a startling secret, after will draw on dust remove, to the “mysterious smile“ has swept the world womens frown. 愚人节整蛊方法夹心饼干中间抹牙膏 Sandwich biscuit with toothpaste in the middle 用食物做成恶心人的东西 Things that made disgusting food


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