Unit 15 Traditional Chinese Culture1中国杂技以其丰富的节目、悠久的历史、独特绚丽的艺术特色,屹立于世界杂技技术瑰宝之林。Chinese acrobatics ranks among the best in the world thanks to its rich repertory (a large variety of programs), long history, as well as its distinctive and colorful artistic characteristics.2苏州因城内水道遍布而享有“东方威尼斯”之美誉。With numerous waterways (water channels) covering the town, Suzhou enjoys the fame as the “Oriental Venice”.3上海博物馆陈列有600余件上自新石器时代,下至清末的历代陶瓷器精品。The Shanghai Museum displays over 600 pieces o