No matter how diverse their goals or crafts, the super-achievers shared many of the same habits. How can you follow in their footsteps? These are the 10 qualities that will set you apart. 知识点拓展:set sb/sth apart (from sb/sth) make sb/sth different from or superior to others 使某人某事物与众不同或优於其他的: Her clear and elegant prose sets her apart from most other journalists. 她的散文凝练高雅, 多数新闻工作者无出其右.不论目标或技艺多么五花八门,成功人士都有很多共同的习惯。那怎样才能像他们那样成功呢?以下十个品质就能让你脱颖而出:Dedication To A Vision 为梦想全力以赴Every great succ