1、 关于我国数学发的点滴思考 马志明2011年 10月 29日 , 安徽 中国数学正在走向世界 我们与数学强国的差距 拒绝浮躁 , 淡泊明志 顶天立地 (关于应用数学与交叉研究的思考)中国数学正在走向世界中国数学已取得很大进步,我们在国际数学界已经有一定的地位,在一些研究方向上达到国际先进水平或居于国际领先地位。Tadahisa Funaki I am writing to ask a favor of you. I am now working as a member of the board of Trustee in the Mathematical Society of Japan an
2、d serving as the editor-in-chief for the membership magazine called “Sugaku Tushin“. We are planning to have a special section on “Recent development in Chinese mathematical community“. Your mathematical community grows rapidly and has a strong influence in the world. We consider one of examples is
3、that you are now a vice-president of IMUSome Aspects of Mathematical Community in China-Zhi-Ming Ma数学通讯(日本数学会) 2007年第 12卷第 1期我以 ICM2002开幕式上的一件小事来开始我的叙述。在开幕式上江泽民主席亲自为行动不便的陈省身调整话筒的位置。 事情虽小,却令人体会到数学家在中国得到很高的尊重,折射出中国政府对于发展中国数学的强烈支持。许多数学家注意到了开幕式上的这一细节,他们钦佩江主席的风范。一些数学家用相机录下这一珍贵的镜头,至今珍藏这张照片。 With the favor
4、able environment, the Chinese mathematical community has made great progress in the last quarter century.Some Aspects of Mathematical Community in China 中国数学家发表了大量文章,(包括学术专著);只要有数学方面的国际学术会议或讨论班,就一定有中国人的报告;许多中国数学家担任了国际数学杂志的编委,或各类国际数学组织的成员。这些都标志着中国数学界的迅速崛起,并在世界上产生了越来越强烈的影响。 A large number of publicati
5、ons (including articles and monographs) are written by Chinese mathematicians, there are always Chinese mathematicians present their talks at various international academic conferences or workshops, many Chinese mathematicians serve as editors of international academic journals, or serve as members in various academic organizations. All these reveal that the Chinese mathematical community grows rapidly and has made more and more influence in the world. 以概率与随机分析领域为例,(我对这个领域比较熟悉),我的几位同事如彭实戈、陈木法、严加安等,他们在概率与随机分析研究领域做出了很大的贡献,我为他们感到自豪。毫无疑义,他们是当之无愧的具有国际学术水平的、世界知名的概率论专家。