x给其他人的工作提供反馈很需要技巧,一不小心就可能适得其反。态度坦诚是一个大前提,此外最重要的3个原则是:高度具体;提供的建议要有可扩展性,适用于未来的其他项目;要起到鼓励作用,尽管有错误就要批评,但不能尖刻过头让被批评者心灰意冷以至于破罐子破摔。For writers, no days drag on longer than days without feedback from your editor. Youve sent him a 1,200-word document that reflect some facet of your very self, and your editor will be returning it to you with comments and criticisms. He may suggest a different tone. He may suggest you amputate paragraphs that “arent doing anything.” Some editors rewrite your sentences