-Life is hopeful.-Life is beautiful.-Life is wonderful.Life is full of positive energy.Accidents will happen at any time.人有旦夕祸福。 天有不测风云, 2008 年11 月14 日6时10 分许,上海商学院一栋宿舍楼的寝室发生火灾,四名女生坠楼身亡。有人为个年轻的生命就此陨落而痛惜,有人对生命消逝的悲痛,有对花季少女的惋惜,也有对大学生自救能力欠缺的思考。上海商学院火灾事件First aid is very important. It is the emergency treatment for an injured or sick person before professional medical care. Anyone with the knowledge can give first aid; you dont have to be a doctor and it can save a persons life.Brainstorming: What wo