知识图谱架构 知识图谱一般架构: 来源自百度百科 复旦大学知识图谱架构: 早期知识图谱架构 知识图谱一般架构: 来源自百度百科架构讨论 早期知识图谱架构知识抽取 实体概念抽取 实体概念映射 关系抽取 质量评估KDD 2014 Tutorial on Constructing and Mining Web-scale Knowledge Graphs, New York, August 24, 2014A sampler of research problemsGr owth: knowledge graphs are incomplete!Link pr ediction: add relationsOntology matching: connect graphsKnowledge extraction: extract new entities and relations from web/textV alidation: knowledge graphs are not always correct!Entity r esolution: merge duplicate enti