老年人慢性心力衰竭的处置及社区管理2心力衰竭定义心脏结构或功能的异常心室充盈或射血能力受损病症: 呼吸困难乏力体征: 肺部湿罗音颈静脉压力升高水肿 引起心衰的原发病: 冠心病 心肌病 风湿性心瓣膜 高血压病 Prevalence of Heart Failure by Age and Sex in CHSHF is predominantly a disorder of the older adult population and of the greater than 5 million adults with HF in the United States, 50% are at least 75 years of age.Heart Failure in Older AdultsCharacteristic Older Adults Middle AgedPrevalence 10% 1%Gender Predominately Women Predominately MenEtiology Hypertension Coronary Artery DiseaseLV Systo