Nervous System神经系统Organizations q 中枢神经系统Central nervous system (CNS) 脑Brain 脊髓Spinal cordq 周围神经系统Peripheral nervous system (PNS) 脑神经Cranial n. (12 pairs) 脊神经Spinal n. (31 pairs) 内脏神经Visceral nervesMajor Divisions of the Central Nervous Systemq Brain 脑 Telencephalon 端脑 Diencephalon 间脑 Cerebellum 小脑 Midbrain 中脑 Pons 脑桥 Medulla oblongata 延髓q Spinal cord 脊髓Brain stem 脑干Major Divisions of the Peripheral Nervous System q 脑神经Cranial nerves (12 pairs)q 脊神经Spinal nerves (31 pairs) q 内脏神经Visceral nerves V