2023寒假作业初二班级英语答案 寒假到了,又可以甩开繁重的学业放松一下了,但也别遗忘对学过的学问巩固一下,关于寒假作业的答案你参考过了吗?下面我为大家收集整理了“2022寒假作业初二班级英语答案借鉴”,欢迎阅读与借鉴! 寒假作业初二班级英语答案1 活动一英语园地答案: 一、英汉互译 1. be ore than a quarter of homes. 3. No, they dont. 4. About eiillie likes sharin y parents to see red maple leaves next Sunday. 6. After school, I usually do after-school activities; sometimes I etimes I minminors. 9. What is a natural disaster? For example, the Taiwan earthquake last year killed thousands of people.