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1、186历年真题2000 年北京大学博士研究生入学考试英语试题Part Structure she had just flown up on the three-oclock shuttle from Washington. Dole is extremely pretty, with round green eyes and a full mouth and a direct personality. She tilts her head attentively when she listens. She was the recipient of the evenings award; pre

2、vious award winners have included Alice Tully, Princess Yasmin Asa Khan, and, most recently, Brooke Astor. Not exactly a sequence at the end of which you would expect to find Elizabeth Dole, but award givers are famous for having political instincts as well as philanthropic onesSurrounded by the dee

3、p-blue swags and golden draperies of the ballroom were more than thirty-five dinner tables set with groupings of candles and floral centerpieces and Royal Doulton china. American Express was there. So were Bristol-Myers Squibb; Coopers Lybrand; the New York Times Company; Union Bank of Switzerland;

4、Chemical Bank; New York Life;. and Price Waterhouse. The actress Arlene Dahl, with her rather red hair and her bearded husband, presided over one table. Otherwise, it was a typical, faceless, captain-of-industry fund raiser (no models! no stars!), of which there seems to be at least one every night

5、in New York City. It was not a society night, but still the evening raised four hundred and thirty thousand dollars26From what we read we can infer that “it was a normal day in the life of the American Red Cross in Greater New York” means its staff_Adeal with the fail of houses in the city every day

6、 Bare busy helping people who suffer from disasters every day Cwork during the day and to have banquet in the evening every day Dgo to Harlem, the poorest district of New York, every day and help people there 18627The fund-raiser mentioned in the passage refers to_ARobert Dole BElizabeth Dole Cthe E

7、leventh Annual Red Cross Award Dinner Dance Dall the business companies attending the Dinner Dance 28Christopher Peakes hair didn t look so bad because_Ahe was wearing a handsome tuxedo Bhe was wearing tulips on his suit Che was seen among flowers Dhe was sitting near flowers and in very soft light

8、29Elizabeth Dole was_Athe president of the American Red Cross and acted at the Dinner as a North Carolina hostess Ba republican and wife of the president of the American Red Cross Cthe president of the American Red Cross and its main representative at the Annual Dinner Dance Dborn in North Carolina,

9、 became an air-hostess and later married Senator Robert Dole30The presence of an actress at the Dinner made the fund raising_Aless impersonal B a typical fund-raising event Cless personal D more business-like Passage 2For laymen ethnology is probably the most interesting of the biological sciences f

10、or the very reason that it concerns animals in their normal activities and therefore, if we wish, we can assess the possible dangers and advantages in our own behavioral roots. Ethnology also is interesting methodologically because it combines in new ways very scrupulous field observations with expe

11、rimentation in laboratoriesThe field workers have had some handicaps in winning respect for themselves. For a long time they were considered as little better than amateur animal-watchers certainly not scientists, since their facts were not gained by experimental procedures: they could not conform to

12、 the hard-and-fast rule that a problem set up and solved by one scientist must be tested by other scientists, under identical conditions and reaching identical results. Of course many situations in the lives of animals simply cannot be rehearsed and controlled in this way. The fall flocking of wild

13、free birds cant be, or the homing of animals over long distances, or even details of spontaneous family relationships. Since these never can be reproduced in a laboratory, are they then not worth knowing about?The ethnologists who choose field work have got themselves out of this impasse by greatly

14、refining the techniques of observing. At the start of a project all the animals to be studied are live-trapped, marked individually, and released. Motion pictures, often in color, provide permanent records of their subsequent activities. Recording of the animals voices by electrical sound equipment

15、is considered essential, and the most meticulous notes are kept of all that occurs. With this material other biologists, far from the scene, later can verify the reports. Moreover, two field observers often go out together, checking each others observations right there in the fieldEthnology, the wor

16、d, is derived from the Greek ethos, meaning the characteristic traits or features which distinguish any particular group of people or, in biology, a group of animals such as a species. Ethnologists have the intention of studying “the whole sequence of acts which constitute an animals behavior.” In a

17、bridged dictionaries 186ethnology is sometimes defined simply as “the objective study of animal behavior,” and ethnologists do emphasize their wish to eliminate myths31In the first sentence, the word “laymen” means Apeople who stand aside Bpeople who are not trained as biologists Cpeople who are ama

18、teur biologists Dpeople who love animals 32According to the passage, ethnology is Aa new branch of biology Ban old Greek science Ca pseudo -science Da science for amateurs 33 “The field workers have handicaps in winning respect for themselves.” This sentence means Aethnologists when working in the f

19、ield are handicapped Bethnologists have problems in winning recognition as scientists Cethnologists are looked down upon when they work in the field Dethnologists meet with lots of difficulties when doing field work 34According to the explanation of the scientific rule of experiment in the passage,

20、“hard-and-fast”means experiment procedures Aare difficult and quick to follow Bmust be carried out in a strict and quick way Cmust be followed strictly to avoid false and loose results Dhard and unreasonable for scientists to observe 35The meaning of the underlined words in “the details of spontaneo

21、us family relationships” can be expressed as Anatural family relationships Bquickly occurring family relationships Canimals acting like a natural family Danimal family behavior that cannot be preplanned or controlled Passage 3The single greatest shift in the history of mass-communication technology

22、occurred in the 15th century and was well described by Victor Hugo in a famous chapter of “NotreDame de Paris”. It was a cathedral. On all parts of the giant building, statuary and stone representations of every kind, combined with huge windows of stained glass, told the stories of the Bible and the

23、 saints, displayed the intricacies of Christian theology, adverted to the existence of highly unpleasant demonic winged creatures, referred diplomatically to the majesties of political power, and, in addition, by means of bells in bell towers, told time for the benefit of all of Paris and much of Fr

24、ance. It was an awesome engine of communicationThen came the transition to something still more awesome. The new technology of mass communication was portable, could sit on your table, and was easily replicable, and yet, paradoxically, contained more information, more systematically presented, than

25、even the largest of cathedrals. It was the printed book. Though it provided no bells and could not tell time, the over-all superiority of the new invention was unmistakableIn the last ten or twenty years, we have been undergoing a more or less equivalent shift-this time to a new life as a computer-u

26、sing population. The gain in portability, capability, ease, orderliness, accuracy, reliability, and information-storage over anything 186achievable by pen scribbling, typewriting, and cabinet filing is recognized by all. The progress for civilization is undeniable and, plainly, irreversible. Yet, ju

27、st as the books triumph over the cathedral divided people into two groups, one of which prospered, while the other lapsed into gloom, the computers triumph has also divided the human raceYou have only to bring a computer into a room to see that some people begin at once to buzz with curiosity and ex

28、citement, sit down to conduct experiments, oh and ah at the boxes and beeps, and master the use of the computer or a new program as quickly as athletes playing a delightful new game. But how difficult it is-how grim and frightful for the other people, the defeated class, whose temperament does not n

29、aturally respond to computers. The machine whirrs and glows before them and their faces twitch. They may be splendidly educated, as measured by book-reading, yet their instincts are all wrong, and no amount of manual-studying and mouse-clicking will make them right. Computers require a sharply diffe

30、rent set of aptitudes, and, if the aptitudes are missing, little can be done, and misery is guaranteedIs the computer industry aware that computers have divided mankind into two new, previously unknown classes, the computer personalities and the non-computer personalities? Yes, the industry knows th

31、is. Vast sums have been expended in order to adapt the computer to the limitations of noncomputer personalities. Apples Macintosh, with its zooming animations and pull-down menus and little pictures of file folders and watch faces and trash cans, pointed the way. Such seductions have soothed the app

32、rehensions of a certain number of the computer-averse. This spring, the computer industrys efforts are reaching a culmination of sons. Microsoft, Bill Gates giant corporation, is to bring out a program package called Microsoft Bob, designed by Mr. Gates wife, Melinda French, and intended to render c

33、omputer technology available even to people who are openly terrified of computers. Bobs principle is to take the several tasks of operating a computer, rename them in a folksy style, and assign to them the images of an ideal room in an ideal home, with furniture and bookshelves, and with chummy cart

34、oon helpers (“Friends of Bob”) to guide the computer user over the rough spots, and, in that way, simulate an atmosphere that feels nothing like computers36According to this passage , which of the following statements is NOT true?AIt is because the cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris had many bell-towe

35、rs and could tell time to people that the writer regards it as an engine of mass communicationBFrom cathedrals to books to computers the technology of communication has become more convenient, reliable and fastCEvery time when a new communication means triumphed over the old, it divided mankind into

36、 two groupsDComputer industry has been trying bard to make people accept computers37The printed book is more progressive than the cathedral as a communication means, because_Ait could sit on your table and did no longer tell time Bit was more reliable and did not tell the stories of saints and demon

37、s Cit was small, yet contained more information Dit did not flatter religious and political power 38The word “awesome” in the passage means_Afrightening B causing fear and respect Camazingly new Dawful 39People who feel miserable with computers are those_186Awho love reading hooks and writing with a

38、 pen or a typewriter Bwho possess the wrong aptitudes of disliking and fearing new things Cwho have not been trained to use computers Dwho are born with a temperament that does not respond to computers 40Melinda French designed Microsoft Bob which was to ease the misery of computer users by_Amaking

39、users feel that they are not dealing with machines Bmaking the program more convenient and cartoon-like Cadding home pictures to the program design Drenaming the computer tasks in a folksy style Directions: Read the following passage carefully and then paraphrase the numbered and underlined parts. (

40、“Paraphrase” means to explain the meaning in your own English. ) (15%)Charm is the ultimate weapon, the supreme seduction, against which there are few defenses. If youve got it, you need almost nothing else, neither money, looks, nor pedigree. (41) It is a gift-only given to give away, and the more

41、used the more there is. It is also a climate of behavior set for perpetual summer and controlled by taste and tactReal charm is dynamic, an enveloping spell which mysteriously enslaves the senses. It is an inner light, fed on reservoirs of benevolence which well up like a thermal spring. It is uncon

42、scious, often nothing but the wish to please, and cannot be turned on and off at will(42) You recognize charm by the feeling you get in its presence. You know who has it. But can you get it too? Probably, you cant, because its a quickness of spirit, an originality of touch you have to be born with.

43、Or its something that grows naturally out of another quality, like the simple desire to make people happy. Certainly, charm is not a question of learning tricks, like wrinkling your nose, or having a laugh in your voice, or gaily tossing your hair out of your dancing eyes. (43) Such signs, to the ne

44、rvous, are ominous warnings which may well send him streaking for cover. On the other hand, there is an antenna, a built-in awareness of others, which most people have, and which care can nourishBut in a study of charm, what else does one look for? Apart from the ability to listen rarest of all huma

45、n virtues and most difficult to sustain without vagueness apart from warmth, sensitivity, and the power to please, what else is there visible? (44) A generosity, I suppose, which makes no demands, a transaction which strikes no bargains, which doesnt hold itself back till youve filled up a test-card

46、 making it dear that youre worth the trouble. Charm cant withhold, but spends itself willingly on young and old alike, on the poor, the ugly, the dim, the boring, on the last fat man in the comer. (45)It reveals itself also in a sense of ease, in casual but perfect manners, and often in a physical g

47、race which springs less from an accident of youth than from a confident serenity of mind. Any person with this is more than just a popular fellow, he is also a social healerPart Cloze TestDirections: Fill in each numbered blank in the following passage with ONE suitable word to complete the passage.

48、 Put your answers in the ANSWER SHEET. (10%)One way of improving ones writing is to get into the habit of keeping a record of your observations, of storing 46 in a notebook or journal. You should make note on 186your experiences and on your 47 of everyday life so that they are preserved. It is sad 48 to be able to retrieve a lost idea that seemed brilliant when it flashed across your 49 , or a forgotten fact that you need to make a point in an argument or to illustrate a conclusion. The journal habit has still 50 value. Just 51


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