英国文学史和选读课件(I) 通过作品找意境,通过中西文学对比,让文学课升华至文化课,让我们的学生成为自己的主人。Early and Medieval English LiteratureGeoffrey Chaucer, the father of English poetry, was born, about 1340, in London. He was the son of a wine merchant who had connections with the court. “TheCanterburyTales”坎特伯雷故事集 坎特伯雷故事集是乔叟的代表作,也是世界文学宝库中不可多得的一部名著。该作品场面原计划非常宏大,乔叟打算通过把生活在社会各阶层的人们聚集到一起,让他们讲述自己所喜爱的故事的形式,全面反映出当时英国的方方面面。Thomas More(1478-1535) He was born in a middle-class family.his father was a prominent lawyer,and later a judge.A scholar by