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1、Test 1: Development of Microbiology 1 Multiple Choice (choose one answer) 1. The fundamental unit of all living organisms is the Membrane cell nucleus cell wall 2. Organisms that do not contain a true nucleus are referred to as fungi eukaryotic prokaryotic nankaryotic 3. The three kingdom classifica

2、tion system of organisms was proposed by Pasteur Bacon Winogradsky Woese 4. Fungi differ from bacteria in a number of characteristics. The cell walls in fungi are composedof , while the cell walls of bacteria are composed of peptidoglycan Chitin phospholipids protein glucosamine 5. The first microsc

3、opes were developed by Ehrlich Metchnikoff Leewenhoek Lister 6. Control of microbial infections can be accomplished by chemical or immune mechanisms. The first report on the production of an antibiotic is credited to: Lister Fleming Ehrlich Koch 7 The term “antibiotic“ means a substance produced by

4、the laboratory that kills or inhibits other microorganisms a substance produced by microorganisms that kills or inhibits molds a substance produced by microorganism that kills or inhibits other microorganisms a substance produced by microorganisms that kills or inhibits cancer cells 8 The first docu

5、mented use of a vaccine for smallpox was reported by the English physician Lister .Florey Fleming Jenner 9 Active immunity can be distinguished from passive immunity in that the former requires: development of antibodies in ones own body by stimulation with external antibodies development of antibod

6、ies in ones own body by stimulation with external antigens Flemingdevelopment of antibodies in a foreign host and transfer to one s own body development of antigens in ones own body by stimulation with external antibodies 10 The process of nitrification by bacteria described by Winogradsky converts

7、ammonia to nitrate ions nitrate ions to ammonia N2 to ammonia ammonia to urea 11 The transfer of DNA from one organism to another through the use of a viral vector is referred to as Electroporation conjugation transformation transduction 12 The genetic material of a bacteria is located in the molecu

8、le: RNA DNA protein lipid 2 Fill in the Blank 1. Organisms that contain a true nucleus are called_ 2. Bacteria do not have a true nucleus and are considered _ 3. . Bacteria can be divided into two groups, the _and the _ 4._ are organisms that can grow without using molecular oxygen. 5. Microorganism

9、s that can synthesize complex organic compounds from CO2:are called _. 6. _ are microorganisms that obtain their energy to synthesize organic compounds from light. 7. _ require organic compounds for growth. 8. Organisms that survive only at very high temperatures are referred to as_. 9. _ are organi

10、sms that produce methane from CO2. 10. _organisms grow under conditions of high salinity 11. Eubacteria can exhibit a number of morphological shapes. Identify four: a._ b._ c._ d._ 12. Fungi, algae and protozoa can be differentiated from bacteria by the following characteristic:_ . 13. Fungi have ce

11、ll wall consisting of _. 14. Viruses consist of _surrounded by a protein coat. 15. The scientific method utilizes deductive reasoning and observations or experiments to prove or disprove a _. 16. The theory _of held that living organisms could arise from nonliving matter. 17. The process used to red

12、uce the number of viable organisms by moderate heating is called:_ . 18. The process of tyndallization uses repeated heating to eliminate or_ microorganisms from solutions. 19.An _is a substance produced by microorganisms that inhibits or kills other microorganisms. 20. The process of stimulating th

13、e immune defenses of the body is referred to as_. 21. White blood cells that engulf foreign particles are referred to as_. 22. A substance in serum that can neutralize foreign material is referred to as _or _. 23. Cells infected with a virus produce a substance called _ that inhibits viral replicati

14、on. 24. Avery, Colin and MacLeod first demonstrated that transformation of nonpathogenic to pathogenic strains of bacteria could be carried out by the transfer of _. 25. Exchange of genetic information by direct contact is referred to as_. 26. _ is the process in which DNA is transferred from one ba

15、cteria to another. Test 2: Methods for Studying Microorganisms 1 Multiple Choice (choose one answer) 1. Light microscopy is dependent on the interaction of light with on object. The ability of light to pass through an object is referred to as: transported light transmitted light reflected light refr

16、acted light 2. The resolving power (R) of a microscope is dependent on the wavelength of light (;) and the numerical aperture (NA) of the lens. The formula for R is: R = 0.5. xNA R = 0.5;/NA R = NA/0.5Jr R = Square root of 0.5)./NA 3. The gram stain uses as a mordant to fix the primary stain Iodine

17、alcohol acetone safranin 4. The acid-fast stain is useful in the identification of which of the following organisms Staphylococcus aureus Mycoplasma mycoides Mycobacteria tuberculosis Moraxella osloensis 5. Botulism is a serious disease that can develop from the improper cooking of food containing b

18、acterial spores. Which of the following genera are capable of producing spores? Salmonella Listeria Escherichia Clostridia 6. Which of the following types of microscopes utilizes electron beams to visualize objects? Nomarski TEM PCM Confocal 7. A mixture of organisms was isolated from a patient susp

19、ected of having “Strep Throat.“ Which type of media would you use to isolate the suspected pathogen? Defined enriched selective differential 8. Sterilization of material with an autoclave utilizes steam to kill microorganisms. The correct procedure for sterilization with an autoclave is: 15 min at 1

20、21 at 15 lb/in2 15 min at 256 at 15 lb/in2 15 min at 121 at 1 lb/in2 15 min at 121 at 1 lb/in2 9. An antibiotic was added to a culture of bacteria to determine its effect. What method of enumeration would you use to determine the efficacy of the antibiotic? direct count viable count turbidimetric co

21、unt absorbance 9. Identification of microorganisms can be accomplished by a number of techniques. Which of the following requires the growth of the organism? enzyme linked assay gene probe metabolic fluorescent 2 Fill in the Blank 1. A media where all the ingredients are known is called a _media. 2.

22、 _technique is used to maintain a pure culture and avoid contamination. 3. Sterilization instrument that utilizes steam under pressure: _. 4. A_ plate utilizes a loop or needle to distribute and isolate colonies on a culture plate. 5. _ identification utilizes antibodies for naming of bacterial spec

23、ies. 6. Bacteria can be preserved for long periods of time by freeze-drying or_. 7. The mrbidimetric method of counting bacteria utilizes a _ to measure the amountof light passing through a solution. 8. The viable plate count counts live bacterial colonies in the range or_ to_ 9. A counting chamber

24、and a microscope are used in the_ count of bacteria. Test3: Organization and Structure of Microorganisms 1 Multiple Choice (choose one answer) 1. Eukaryotic membranes can be differentiated from prokaryotic membranes because eukaryotic membranes contain_as part of the lipid component of the membrane.

25、 Phosphates fatty acids proteins sterols 2. The arrangement of proteins and lipids in the membrane is referred to as the: bilayer model fluid mosaic model trilayer model permeable model 3. The movement of water molecules across the membrane in response to a concentration gradient is referred to as D

26、iffusion osmosis translocation transport 4. The membrane of a cell is able to differentiate molecules that enter or exit the cell and act as a _ barrier. Semipermanent semitransparent semipermeable semidiffuse 5. Movement of molecules at an enhanced rate across the membrane is called facilitated dif

27、fusion passive diffusion osmosis permeation 6. Which of the following mechanisms transports molecules without chemical alteration? active transport group translocation facilitated diffusion binding protein transport 7. Which of the following transport mechanism occurs only in Gram-negative bacteria?

28、 active transport group translocation facilitated diffusion binding protein transport 8. Which of the following transport mechanisms occurs only in prokaryotes? active transport group translocation facilitated diffusion binding protein transport 9. Lysozyme and penicillin have activity against the c

29、ell wall. Lysozyme breaks this component;penicillin prevents its formation Lipopolysaccharide phospholipid peptidoglycan teichoic acid 10. Partial destruction of the cell wall with lysozyme leaves a cell called a: Protoplast spheroplast periplast capsule 2 Fill in the Blank 1. Most cells use energy

30、in the form of_ to run the cell. 2. Phospholipids of eubacterial cells are composed of a _group and a _on a glycerol backbone. 3. Membrane proteins found on the surface are called _ proteins. 4. The energy source for active transport in eukaryotes is derived from ATP.The energy for active transport

31、in prokaryotes is derived from _. 5. The region between the outermembrane in Gram-negative bacteria and the cell wall is called the _. 6. Extrachromosomal DNA elements found in bacteria are called_. 7. Ribosomes are structures composed of _ and _. 8. The fluid inside a cell is referred to as the _.

32、9. The hereditary organelle of eukaryotic cells is called the _. 10. The process by which a cell engulfs and internalizes particles such as bacteria or other cells is called _. Test 4 : Eukaryotes 1 Multiple Choice (choose one answer) l. Fungi are considered heterotrophic because they obtain nutriti

33、on through phagocytosis endocytosis adsorption photosynthesis 2. The separation between filamentous fungal cells are referred to as Fill in the Blank 1. Unicellular fungi are called _. 2. Filamentous fungi form branching structures called _ 3. The most common form of reproduction in yeasts occurs by

34、 _. 4. Silica is found in the cell wall of _. 5. The external structures of mushrooms are referred to as _. 6. The growth of fungi can be expressed by _. 7. Red tide is caused by a toxin released by the organism, Gonyaulax, which belongs to the _ group of fungi. 8. Agar is made from this group of al

35、gae: _. 9. Trypanosoma gambiense causes the disease _. 10. A flagellate protozoa that can be found in mountain streams and causes diarrhea is _. Test5: Bacterial Growth and Reproduction 1 Multiple Choice (choose one answer) 1. In bacterial cultures, growth can be demonstrated by an increase in: Mass

36、 cell size cell number cell length 2 DNA replication in bacteria is controlled by: cell size cell division cell separation cell initiation 3. During which phase of bacterial growth is there an increase in cell size but not in cell number? Lag log stationary exponential 4. The generation time for bac

37、teria is determined by: measuring the time it takes to double the number of bacteria from the time the culture was initiated until the beginning of stationary phase measuring the time it takes to double the number of bacteria from lag phase to death phase measuring the time it takes to double the nu

38、mber of bacteria from log phase to the end of stationary phase measuring the time it takes to double the number of bacteria from log phase to the beginning of stationary phase 5. Most pathogenic bacteria are considered: Psychrophiles mesophiles thermophiles .merophiles 6. Bacteria that grow at low n

39、utrient concentrations are referred to as: Autotrophs phototrophs copiotrophs oligotrophs 7. In times of nutrient deficiencies, the bacteria Clostridium produce_until conditions are permissive for vegetative growth. Prosthecae spores stalks fruiting bodies 8. The temperature of the incubator was rai

40、sed from 15(2 to 35(2. The cultures in the incubator demonstrated a_fold increase in enzymatic activity Two for eight twenty 9. Organisms that grow at or near their optimal growth temperature are called stenothermal bacteria euthermal bacteria cauldoactive bacteria mesophilic bacteria 10. All of the

41、 following are toxic oxygen products except: 02 OH- H20 H202 11. Catalase, which is produced by Staphylococci, catalyzes which of the following reactions? 202+ 2H+ 2H 202 + 02 202+ 2H+ 2H202 + 02 H202 + NADH + H+2H20 + NAD H202 + e- + H+H2O + OH - 12 A saturated solution of NaC1 has a water activity

42、 index of: 1.0 0.90 0.80 0.70 13. Organisms that can grow at a water index at or below that of NaCI are called Xerotolerant .salt tolerant mesotolerant salotolerant 14. All of the following organisms will survive an environment of 0.9 Aw except Lactobacillus Staphylococcus .Saccharomyces SpiriUum 15

43、 alophiles are classified as organisms that require _for growth. Sugar salt .water air 16. Osmophiles require a _Aw for growth. Low high 17. The pressure exerted on a cell due to high solute concentrations is referred to as: osmotic pressure hydrostatic pressure barometric pressure surface tension 1

44、8. A diver encountered a new bacterial isolate while she was diving at 1000 m. The organism will be classified as: Marine barotolerant barophilic normal 19. Fungi can be differentiated from most bacteria by culturing at: Marine low pH neutral pH 20. All phototacfic bacteria respond to light by: movi

45、ng away from the source of light moving toward the source of light increasing the movement of their flagella creating gas vesicles to rise to the surface 2 Fill in the Blank 1. Organisms that grow best above 40oC are called_. 2. Organisms that grow best below 20oC are called_. 3. Organisms that grow

46、 best between 20 and 40oC are called _. 4. Myxobacteria form unique structures called _ to cope with nutrient deficiencies. 5. Bacteria that grow only at reduced oxygen concentrations are called _. 6. Bacteria that require oxygen for growth are called_. 7. Bacteria that grow at high nutrient concent

47、rations are called _. 8. Caulobacter is an example of a _ bacteria. 9. At temperatures above the optimum, E. coli and other bacteria induce a change in gene expression called_ 10. A change in hydrostatic pressure of 10 atm is experience with an increase in depth of _ m Test 6: Control of Microbial Growth 1 Multiple Choice (choose one answer) 1. Chemicals used on the body to contr


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