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1、A presentation by Jack HartStorycraftThe Art of Nonfiction Storytelling故事技巧讲述非虚构故事的艺术- Fuggerzeitungen, 1587 Walpurga Hausmannin, evil and wretched woman, now imprisoned and in chains, has, under solicitous questioning as well as torture, confessed her witchcraft and made the following admissions: W

2、alpurga Hausmannin, 一个邪恶和不幸的女人,现被囚禁关押,遭到刑讯逼供,供认从事巫术活动并作出如下陈述:Reports 报道Reports 报道Austin police said today they will enhance charges against a suspect already arrested for aggravated assault after a man he fought with died.奥斯汀警方称,从今天起将提高对嫌疑犯的指控级别,该嫌疑犯曾因与人斗殴致死的故意伤害罪被捕。 American-Statesman, 4/12/05Repor

3、ts 报道1. Information is key. 信息是关键2. Summary Narrative. 概括叙事3. Topical organization. 话题组织4. Inverted pyramid. 倒金字塔5. Direct quotations. 直接引用6. Traditional news values. 传统新闻价值- Ned Ward, “Hell in an Uproar.“ The London Spy, Jan. 1699.Thus we prattled away our time, til we came in sight of a noble pile

4、 of a building. I conceived it to be my Lord Mayors palace, for. He smiled at my innocent conjecture, and informed me that this was Bedlam, a hospital for madfolk.我们闲逛了一会儿,直到几幢雄伟的房子映入眼帘 我猜这是市长大人的官邸 他对我天真的猜测抱以微笑,告诉我这是一家疯人院。Stories 故事News Narratives 新闻叙事At 6 p.m. Sunday, the phone rang with the news e

5、very symphony director dreads.周日下午 6点,电话铃声响了起来,它带来的消息让每一位交响乐团指挥听到都怕。 David StablerStories 故事1. Pattern and experience are key.结构和经历是关键 2. Dramatic narrative. 戏剧性叙事3. Scenic organization. 场景组织4. Narrative arc structure 叙事弧线结构5. Dialogue. 对话6. Dramatic values. 戏剧的价值 Charles Dickens, “Traveling Letters

6、.”London Daily News, 1846. On Friday, as he was dining with the other prisoners, they came and told him he was to be beheaded the next morning, and took him away. 星期五,他还在和别的囚徒吃饭的时候,他们过来告诉他,第二天早上就要执行处决,接着就把他带走了。History 历史- Richard Harding DavisThe News Chronicle The entrance of the German army into B

7、russels has lost the human quality. It was lost as soon as the three soldiers who led the army bicycled into the Boulevard du Regent and asked the way to the Gare du Nord. When they passed, the human note passed with them. What came after them, and 24 hours later is still coming, is not men marching

8、, but a force of nature, like a tidal wave.At the sight of the first few regiments of the enemy, we were filled with interest. After for three hours they had passed in an unbroken steel-grey column, we were bored. But when hour after hour passed and there was no halt, no breathing time, no open spac

9、es in the ranks, the thing became uncanny, inhuman.德国军队进入布鲁塞尔的情形惨无人道。三个士兵骑着自行车把大军领进杜瑞金大道,一路探寻去往杜诺德码头的路。他们所过之地,人性也被一并抛下。24小时后,还有像潮水一般的军队继续涌来。看到第一队敌军到来时,我们还充满了兴趣。一连看了三个小时青灰色的纵队经过,我们感到乏味至极。但是几个小时下来,他们接连不断,人马中一丝空隙都没有,这就变得非常可怕,没有人性。History 历史 Ben HechtChicago Daily NewsJune 22, 1920.Carl Wanderer, dressed in a brown suit, stood looking over the porch of his home at 4770 North Campbell avenue. His wife, who was murdered last night by a holdup man in the doorway downstairs, lay in their bedroom.卡尔 温德尔穿着棕色的外套,站在自家的门廊仔细查看。昨晚,位于坎贝尔大街北4770号的家中,妻子被劫匪在家门口杀害,现在正躺在他们的卧室里。History 历史


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