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1、专题一 现在进行时和过去进行时之比较考情分析:动词时态是动词运用的重要部分。时态是指在不同的时间条件下,动词所用的不同形式。英语中共有八大基本时态,考题旨在考查学生如何在给定的条件下,准确判断动词的时态形式。考生需熟练掌握常用的六大时态构成及用法,能够辨别出相近时态的 用法差异 ,并能够根据所给的时间状语以及具体语境判别使用哪种时态。本专题重点讲解一对进行时的具体用法。相同点:二者都表示正在进行或发生的动作,都是由 be 动词和现在分词构成。动词的现在分词构成:由动词原形加 -ing 构成。构成方法如下: (1)一般情况在动词原形后加 -ing。 如:go - going stand -sta

2、nding study-studyinglook-looking do-doing eat-eating play-playing read-reading(2)以不发音的字母 e 结尾的动词,去掉 e,再加 -ing。 如:arrive- arriving skate - skating closeclosing come-coming makemaking take-taking have-having(3) 重读闭音节的动词,以一个辅音字母结尾,需双写辅音字母再加 ing。 如:get- gettingrun-running swim-swimming sitsitting putput

3、ting beginbeginning (4)少数几个以 -ie 结尾的动词,须将 ie 变成 y,再加 ing。 如:die-dying lie-lying 一、现在进行时 构成 is/am/are + doing1. 表示说话时正在发生或进行的动作,它注重现在正在进行的动作,而不管动作从什么时间开始,到什么时间结束。其标志性的时间状语有:now,at present,at the moment,right now 等,还有两个动词标志: look,listen 如:a. What are you doing now?你现在正在做什么?b. Look! The boy is flying t

4、he kite. 看!那个男孩正在放风筝。2. 表示目前一段时间,即现阶段正在进行的动作(但说话时这个动作不一定在进行) 。其标志性的时间状语有:these days,this month 等。 如:The students are preparing for the examination these days. 学生们这些天正在为考试做准备。3. 某些位置移动的动词如 arrive,come ,go,leave ,start,return 等可用现在进行时表示即将发生的动作。 如:a. They are going to Hong Kong tomorrow. 他们明天打算去香港。b. H

5、e is leaving tomorrow. 他明天要走。4. 现在进行时若与 always,all the time 之类的词连用,则含有感情色彩,表示厌烦、赞扬等。如:a. He is always telling us strange stories. 他总是讲那些奇怪的故事给我们听。 (表厌烦) b. He is always thinking of others. 他总是想着其他的人。 (表赞扬)二、过去进行时 构成 was/were doing1. 表示过去某一时刻正在发生或进行的动作。其标志性的时间状语有:then (那时) ,at that time (当时) ,this ti

6、me yesterday (昨天这个时候) ,at 7:00 yesterday evening (昨晚七点的时候) ,when 等。如:a. He was watching TV at that time. 当时他在看电视。b. What did you do at 7:00 yesterday evening? 昨晚 7 点你在干什么?2. 表示过去某一段时间内正在进行的动作。其标志性的时间状语有:last night ,the whole morning (整个早上) ,from 7:00 to 9:00 yesterday evening,while 等。如:a. We were wo

7、rking from 2:00 to 4:00 yesterday afternoon.昨天下午两点到四点我们一直在工作。b. While my mother was cooking,I was doing my homework.我妈妈在做饭的时候,我在做作业。与一般过去时连用:1. 表示某一过去动作发生的时候,另一动作正在进行。如:a. When I met him at the school gate, he was repairing his bike. 我在学校门口遇见他的时候,他正在修自行车。b. When I telephoned him yesterday, he was re

8、vising his lessons.我昨天给他打电话的时候,他正在复习功课。2. 表示一过去动作插入到正在进行的动作当中。如:a. While we were eating dinner, someone knocked the door.我们在吃晚饭的时候,有人敲门。b. When I was talking with the teacher in the living room, my son came in.当我和老师正在客厅谈话的时候,我的儿子进来了。 与连词 when 在一块连用过去进行时与 when 在一块连用,when 此时等于 just then, at that time

9、之意。表示在一过去动作正在进行期间,突然发生了另外一件事情。如:The old man was walking in the street when a car hit a truck.那个老人正在街上走着,正在那时一辆小汽车撞上了一辆卡车。(例题)【例题 1】用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空。【小题 1】Look! He _(watch ) games.【小题 2】Its rainy, but everyone _ (have ) a good time now.【小题 3】-Has the teacher finished marking the exam papers?- Sorry, I

10、 dont know. He _(mark) them in the office in the afternoon.【小题 4】While I was watching a football match on TV, my twin brother _ (pack) for the next days trip to Qingdao.【小题 5】Look, the children_ basketball on the playground. ( play ) 【小题 6】He _to the radio when I came in. ( listen ) 【小题 7】It is very

11、 cold. I think it_ . ( rain ) 【小题 8】What _you_ at five yesterday afternoon ? (do) 【答案】【小题 1】is watching 【小题 2】is having 【小题 3】was marking 【小题 4】was packing【小题 5】are playing【小题 6】was listening【小题 7】is raining【小题 8】were doing【解析】【小题 1】句意:看!他正在观看比赛。根据 look!可知此处表示正在进行,故用现在进行时,主语是 he 第三人称单数, 谓语用 is watch

12、ing。【小题 2】句意:虽然下雨了,但是现在每个人都玩的很高兴。根据时间状语 now. 此处用现在进行时,主语 everyone 第三人称单数,谓语用 is having。【小题 3】由答句末 in the afternoon 可知,此时强调老师整个下午都在改试卷。所以应该用过去进行时态。【小题 4】句意为:我在电视看足球比赛的时候,我的胞兄弟在为第二天的青岛之旅打点行囊。此句表示一个动作正在进行的同时,另一个动作也正在进行。所以用过去进行时was packing。【小题 5】句意:看!孩子们正在操场上打篮球。根据 listen!可知此处表示正在进行,故用现在进行时,主语是 the chil

13、dren 复数, 谓语用 are playing。【小题 6】句意:我进去的时候,他正在听收音机。句中的“进去”是过去时态,故进行时态应该是过去进行时,主语 he 是第三人正单数,故谓语用 was listening。【小题 7】根据 It is very cold.可知句子描述的是现在的状态,故后句表示的现在 “正在下雨”,用现在进行时,故答案为 is raining。【小题 8】句意:昨天下午五点的时候你在干什么?表示过去的某个时刻正在做的事情,用过去进行时,主语 you 用复数动词,故答案为 were doing。 【难度】一般【例题 2】(2015 年江苏省苏州市中考) Where i

14、s Joan? She a novel in her study.A. has read B. reads C. will read D. is reading【答案】D【解析】试题分析:句意:琼在哪儿?她在她的书房里看小说。选项 A 是现在完成时,表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。很显然这里不符合语境。故排除 A;选项 B 是一般现在时,用于现在经常做的事情,这里不符合语境,故排除 B;选项 C 一般将来时,指将来要发生的事情,显然这里不符合语境,故排除 C;在提问这个时候她正在看小说,用现在进行时态。故选 D。【难度】较易【例题 3】(2015 年安徽省初中毕业学业考试)Cathy

15、, can you answer the door? I _ the room. Im coming, mum.A. clean B. cleaned C. have cleaned D. am cleaning【答案】D【解析】试题分析:-凯斯,你能开门吗?我正在清整房间。 -妈妈,我就来。结合情景可知妈妈正在清扫房间,关于现在进行时,故选 D。【难度】较易【例题 4】(湖北省武汉市 2015 年中考) Is your mother a teacher?- Yes, she is. She _ at a junior high school.A. taught B. teaches C. w

16、ill teach D. is teaching【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:-你母亲是老师吗? -是的,她是。她在初中教书。表示经常性动作常用一般现在时,句子主语 She 属第三人称单数,所以谓语动词也用第三人称单数,故选 B。【难度】较易【例题 5】(山东省泰安市 2015 年中考)Our classmates went to a concert yesterday afternoon.What a pity! I my homework.A. had done B. was doing C. am doing D. would do【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:昨天下午我们的同班

17、同学参加了音乐会。多么的遗憾,我一直在做作业。结合语境可知 I 昨天下午一直在写作业,故用过去进行时,故选 B。【难度】一般【例题 6】(天津市 2015 年中考)Why did the car hit the boy?Because the driver _ on the phone at that time.A. talk B. is talking C. was talking D. have talked【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:为什么这辆汽车撞了这个男孩?因为在那时这位司机正在打电话。hit the boy 撞了这个男孩; talk on the phone 通电话。根据时间

18、状语 at that time 在那时,可知此处用过去进行时 was talking。故选 C。【难度】较易【例题 7】(四川省资阳市 2015 年中考)Bob took a photo of his girlfriend while she _ at the party.A. dances B. was dancing C. has danced D. is dancing【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:鲍勃的女朋友正在聚会上跳舞,他给她拍了一张照片。dances 一般现在时第三人称单数形式;was dancing 过去进行时形式;has danced 现在完成时形式;is dancing

19、 现在进行时形式。联系 Bob took a photo of his girlfriend 可知该用过去时。所以选B。【难度】较易【错例 1】Where is Jane? She writes a letter in her room. 【答案】见解析【解析】分析:句意:Jane 在那儿? 她在她的房间里写一封信。根据问句 Where is Jane?可知询问的是现在的情况,行为动词应该用现在进行时,一般现在时表示的是经常性或习惯性的行为动作,不是某一个时间的,故此处不能用。正确答案:Where is Jane? She is writing a letter in her room.【难度

20、】较易【错例 2】Did you catch what the teacher said just now?No. I watched my WeChat then. 【答案】见解析【解析】分析:虽然问句用的是一般过去时,表示刚才发生的动作,但是根据句意,回答的意思是“那个时候我在看微信”,故时态用过去进行时。正确答案:Did you catch what the teacher say just now?No. I was watching my WeChat then.【难度】一般(练习)1 (河北省 2015 年中考)Were proud that China _ stronger an

21、d stronger these years.A. will become B. became C. is becoming D. was becoming2 (河北省 2015 年中考)I saw Jeff in the park. He _ on the grass and reading a book.A. sits B. sat C. is sitting D. was sitting3 (江苏省盐城市 2015 年中考)Sherlock Holmes asked the suspect what he _ when the murder took place.A. was doing

22、 B. has done C. is doing D. would do4 (山东省烟台市 2015 年中考)My mother _the dishes when I got home.A. has washed B. is washing C. washed D. was washing5 (上海市 2015 年中考)Now Jerry _ the exchange programme with his classmates in the meeting room.A. discussed B. is discussing C. was discussing D. has discussed

23、6 (福建省厦门市 2015 年中考)Look! Someone _ the icebox back to the corner.Well, it wasnt me. I didnt do it.A. has moved B. is moving C. was moving7 (辽宁省丹东市 2015 年中考)I called you at 8:00 last night, but you didnt answer.Oh, I _.A. took a shower B. was taking a showerC. am taking a shower D. take a shower8 (山东

24、省临沂市 2015 年中考)Tim Cook called his mother every week even while he_ around the world.A. was traveling B. is travelingC. traveled D. travels9 (2014 年上海市中考)Susan and Lily _tomatoes and other vegetables on the farm this time yesterday.A. pick B. are pickingC. will pick D. were picking10 (2014 年甘肃省兰州市中考)

25、She to an English program while her parents _TV.A. was listening; is watchingB. listened; were watchingC. was listening; watchedD. was listening; were watching11 (2014 年江苏省无锡市中考)Has David finished his project yet?I guess not. He on it at lunchtime. Do you want me to confirm it?A. is working B. was w

26、orkingC. has worked D. had worked12 (2014 年山东省威海市中考)Alan! Why are you so late?Sorry! When I home, I met one of my old friends.A. went B. am walkingC. has gone D. was walking13Many people when the earthquake happened last week.A. slept B. sleepC. are sleeping D. were sleeping14Mary isnt here at the m

27、oment. She _ later.Acomes Bcame Chas come Dis coming15Did you watch the football match yesterday?Yes, I did. You know, my brother in the match.A. is playing B. was playingC. has played D. will play16I didnt hear you because I _ a shower at that moment.A. have taken B. will takeC. was taking D. am ta

28、lking17I _ my mum cook dinner in the kitchen when the telephone _.A. helped; was ringingB. helped; rangC. was helping; rangD. was helping; was ringing18Listen !She an English song.A. sings B. is singing C. sing D. was singing19.Mr. Green _for America the day after tomorrow.A. left B. leavesC. is lea

29、ving D. is going to leaving20Zhang Hua, where is Liu Meimei now?She with her twin sister the fashion show tomorrow.A. are getting ready to haveB. is getting ready forC. will get ready forD. gets ready to have21_ Amy met Peter, she with her mum _ the bus at the bus station.A. When; were waiting B. Wh

30、en; was waiting C. While; were waiting D. While; was waiting22Poor thing! Jack a fall while he on the ice. He got hurt badly.A. was having; was skating B. was having; skatedC. had; was skating D. has had; was skating23. 阅读理解Every day, it is easy to see advertisements in English all around us. Look a

31、t your own bags and clothes, and the bags and clothes of your classmates. How many different advertisements can you see which use English words? Often, bags and clothes show the name of company that made them. This is a popular form. A special picture or symbol called a logo is sometimes used. Logos

32、 appear on many different products. They are popular because when you see a logo, it is hard to forget that product or company. It is common to see advertisements on TV and hear them on the radio. Most advertisements are very short. Sometimes the advertisers use a short sentence which is easy for pe

33、ople to say and remember. Nike, for example, has a simple English sentence which is used all around the world:“Just do it.” Advertisements often use funny situations as well. It is simple to remember it. All advertisements are designed to make people buy a product. An advertisement for a soft drink,

34、 for example, might show a group of young people who are having fun. The young people are all drinking the soft drink. Advertisements are saying to you, “Why dont you buy this drink and be like these people? You can be young and modern.” You might think that advertisements are not after you, but the

35、 next time you buy a soft drink, ask yourself this question: Why am I buying this particular product?【小题 1】From the passage, we know that_ _.A. all advertisements around us are written in EnglishB. many bags have the name of the company that made themC. having soft drinks makes a person young and mo

36、dernD. advertisements are only after young people【小题 2】All advertisements are designed to _ _.A. sell you something you dont want B. make you young and modernC. make you buy the productD. show you what you need to buy【小题 3】The best title of this passage is _ _.A. advertisements all around usB. all k

37、inds of advertisementsC. make people buy a productD. Advertisements often use funny situations24. People usually check whether their keys, wallets and phones are with them before going out. But many people in China now have one more important thing to take, a face mask. They hope that it can protect

38、 them from polluted air.Since January 2013, many cities in China have seen a lot of foggy days. In Beijing, only five days in January were free of smog (雾霾). Whats the difference between fog and smog?According to scientists, fog is made up of tiny (微小的) drops of water and also ice particles ( 颗粒) du

39、ring very cold conditions. Smog is dirty air that looks like a mixture of smoke and fog, caused mainly by smoke from cars and factories in cities.An official for the Ministry of Environmental Protection told Beijing News that PM2.5 pollution is the main problem with air pollution. PM 2.5 refers to p

40、ollution with small particles 2.5 micrometers or less in diameter (直径).According to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, two main factors that cause PM 2.5 are motor vehicles and the burning of coal.Poor air has done harm to peoples health. Children and the elderly are more at risk. A report from Beijin

41、g Childrens Hospital shows that from December 5 to December 11, 2013, half of the patients in the hospital came for respiratory (呼吸道的) problems.Air problems and environmental protection have become a care for the whole nation.Premier Li Keqiang made his last Government Work Report(政府工作报告) on March 6

42、, 2014. The report said that the government should work hard to prevent pollution and give people a healthy living environment.It calls on people to make full use of energy and resources (资源 ) and cut down on energy use.“We should give people hope through our actions.” Li said.【小题 1】The underlined p

43、hrase “were free of” means _.A. had some B. had noC. had many D. had more and more【小题 2】According to the third paragraph, we can know that_.A. fog is made up of drops of water with smokeB. smog is formed (形成) during cold hoursC. smog is a mixture of fog and smokeD. smoke from cars and factories caus

44、e fog【小题 3】Paragraphs 4 and 5 are mainly about _.A. what PM 2.5 is and how to protect ourselves against PM 2.5B. how to prevent PM 2.5 pollution and how PM 2.5 looksC. what PM 2.5 is and what causes PM 2.5D. how seriously PM 2.5 affects us and how to deal with PM 2.5【小题 4】From Li Keqiangs report, we

45、 learn that _.A. the environment has improved a lot since Li was in officeB. many people have breathing problems because of the air pollutionC. the air pollution problem is the governments taskD. the government will try its best to solve the air pollution problem25书面表达现在是星期天早上 8 点半, 请根据下面图片中的提示, 写一篇短文, 介绍约翰全家正在做什么。要求: 1. 包含图片中的内容, 可适当发挥;2. 5060 个词。27书面表达。根据图示,简要介绍一下如何才能保持健康,并展开想象,适当发挥。要求:词数 90 个左右。短文开头已经给出,不计入总词数。All of us want to be healthy._


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