1、Climasys 科力玛数据中心绿色冷却系统Green IT environmental cooling system上海科力玛冷却技术系统有限公司公司介绍 INTRODUCTIONu 科力玛科技利用自然冷却及其辅助技术的优势,进行 IDC 空调全系统设计,施工,控制系统集成,运行服务。完成了中国超过 40%的大型 IDC节能工程。Climasys ( Shanghai beacon electric tech Co.,Ltd) was found in 2008. Climasys is ONE-STOP solution specialize in IDC air conditioning
2、 system, including consultancy, design development, project management, system installation and maintenance.In addition, we also supply the related products for example ,close control air conditioning , chiller, active floor, rack cooler ,etc. Part of the products are imported from Europe under dist
3、ributorship, others are designed and developed by our company. u 成为多家 IT 巨头的中国绿色数据中心空调项目的战略合作者 -IBM,HP, DELL. 施耐德等One of our major clients is IBM China, HP and Schneider since 2007. We team-up with IBM China to promote and provide the Green IDC solutions to Government projects, financial institution
4、s, TELCO etc.u 全面介入中国移动和中国电信的 EPC合同制能源管理谈判。 利用自身技术进行通讯和数据中心的改造,Today , our financial partner and my company negotiate refurbishing old IDC for saving energy by EPC( Energy performance contracting ) with chinamobile and chinaunicom .Reference 部分案例 上海证券交易所卫星通信中心 shanghai stock exchange Supply : Close
5、control A/Cs ( RC)/ water cooled chillers ( TRANE)/Active floors (Climasys)System installation and maintenance 中银基金 shanghai Zhongyin fund Supply: Close control A/Cs ( RC)System installation and maintenance. 天津电信 CHINA TELECOM TIANJIN Supply :Close control A/Cs(RC) / Dry coolers for free cooling ( C
6、limasys)Design, system installation and maintence. 台湾鼎新国际大中华区数据中心 Greater china IDC of Taiwan Dingxin Co.,Ltd (Tianjing) Supply : Close control A/Cs ( EMERSON) / Active floors (Climasys)System installation and maintenance 国联安基金 GTJA Allianz Fund management Limited Company Supply: chillers / close co
7、ntrol ACs (RC)Consultancy, design , project management, system installation and maintenance 上海社保中心机房 Shanghai social security bureauSupply: active floors 中国人民银行 Bank of china Supply: active floors / close control A/Cs 光大保德信基金管理有限公司 Everybright parmerica fund management Limited companySupply: active
8、floors / close control A/Cs / Spary cooling system for condensers Consultancy, design , project management, system installation and maintenance 内蒙联通金川枢纽 CHINAUNICOM - JINCHUAN IDC center in inner mongoliaRefurbished the old IDC, Consultaning design ( New system and equipments will be purchased in 20
9、11) 上海有孚杨浦 IDC(上海电信) YOUFU IDC (Shanghai telecom)Supply: active floors 原中国网通大连数据中心 DALIAN IDC by CNNFree cooling chillers / Air conditiongs 宁波银行数据中心 NINGBO BANK Free cooing chillers, dry coolers 中国云谷(哈尔滨数据中心)Free cooling system including chillers and day coolers. 上海大宗商品交易中心 自然冷却系统设计,施工,总成。喷淋系统。SMDC
10、Quick GuideTarget Market -As APCs Global Strategic Partners, we could get more technical Mid market forum; IBM-APC HZ SMDC seminarKey Competitive Challenges: Local SI, existing enterprise facilities operations, power protection companies (Liebert, Eaton) 【 low price, flexible T&C 】* Lack of identifi
11、ed opportunities* Challenges for SMDC vs traditional solution, need engagement manner to lead customerScalable Modular Data Center特点 1: 非标搭建可以根据不同场地现场搭建,对于标准和非标机柜均可使用;特别适合于非标场地:非标的定义: 机柜尺寸不是标准 42U; 冷通道中间有空隙,立柱等; 每列机柜的高度,宽度不是一致的;特点 :2: 缓启闭顶板如果要求冷通道的顶板与消防联动,其他厂商的做法是采用电磁铁和顶板配合安装,一旦断电,则顶板重力下垂打开。这种做法的缺点是当顶板重力下垂时,如果下面有运维人员,很容易造成砸伤!并且威胁运维人员逃升;科力玛系统采用缓启闭顶板开启技术: 顶板开启具有阻尼延缓功能,而不是靠重力下垂。即使下面有人,也不会出现砸伤事故;