1、预防口腔医学Preventive Dentistry序言需要需求价格提供需要需求价格提供 人口 年龄 流行病学 龋病 牙周病 错颌畸形 口腔癌 提供者 保健系统 效率 效果 服务种类接受资金地位工作行为保险人员教育训练资金资源PopulationDemographic factors MigrationSocietyLiving conditions Culture andlifestylesSelf-careEnvironmentClimate Fluoride and waterSanitationORH systemsDelivery modelsFinancing of careDen
2、tal manpowerPopulation-directed/high-risk strategiesOral disease and healthFactors of changing oral disease patterns*What is the level of oral health in populations across countries of the world?*Are changing oral disease patterns related to oral health systems and different strategies in health pro
3、motion and disease prevention?*Future challenges to oral health promotionThe scope of this intervention人口学趋势Looking JobDemographic Trends中国人口的年龄结构AgeYear 0 14 15 64 651982 33.6% 61.5% 4.9%1987 28.0% 67.0% 5.0%1993 23.0% 70.8% 6.2%2005 20.3 % 72.0% 7.7%2007 19.4% 72.5% 8.1%老年型人口标准老年型人口标准0 14岁 30以下65岁以上 7以上65/0-14岁比例 0.30以上年龄中位数 30以上0246810121416181953 1964 1982 1990 1995 2000 2015人口老龄化趋势人口老龄化趋势(亿 )20501949人口 5.8亿 ,老年人 8% 200012.6亿老年人 10%2050老年人25%2015老年人 14%我国人口老年化特点我国人口老年化特点 国情:底子薄,负担重 基数大。 速度快 未富先老, 跑步进入老龄化