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1、专升本英语必备词汇Lesson 01access ksesn.接近的机会;通道 vt.存取(计算机文件);到达Girls can gain equal access to education.section seknn.章节;部分;部门;截面If your resume contains a section with the names and contact information of your references, take it out.amount mauntn.量,数量,数额;总额,总数vi.合计;等同,接近The use of disposable plastic bags d

2、o a tremendous amount of harm to the environment.childlike taldlaka.天真的Her childlike enthusiasm delighted us prehension kmprihennn.理解(力); 理解练习The latter represents higher levels of comprehension.deception dsepnn.欺骗;骗局Only a minor deception is necessary to achieve our aim.opposition pznn.反对;对手;反对党Opp

3、osition parties, the media and the public immediately voiced their support for the Princess.deal di:ln.大量;协议;待遇 v.处理;做买卖,经营“You cant deal with climate change without dealing with existing building,“ says Richard Moe, the president of the National Trust.“cause k:zn.理由;事业 vt.引起Paul the Octopus, who ac

4、hieved global fame for correctly “predicting“ the outcome of matches in 2010 football World Cup died from natural causes in October, pany kmpnin.公司;同伴;(一)群The company removed many negative posts about products on the Web.consider knsdv.认为;考虑;关心All things considered, they didnt do too badly.involve i

5、nvlvvt.使卷入;包含On a positive note, fathers are increasingly involving themselves with their children.miss misvt. 思念;错过Our ancestral (祖先的 ) selves miss the natural world and long for contact with non-human life.economic knmika.经济(学 )的At no time should spiritual civilization be sacrificed in return for

6、temporary economic development.effect ifektn.影响;效果Most obviously, there is the direct effect of education on the wages of female workers.view vju:n.观察;景色;概念But, back in London, her views were not shared by some members of the British government.fine faina.美好的;细微的 ;晴朗的;健康的n.罚金 vt.处以罚金She was fined10

7、for breaking the traffic regulations.influence influnsn.影响力;有影响的人 vt.影响All of these are influenced by the interaction of your genes and the environment in which you were raised.press presv.压;压迫;催促 n.记者;印刷机; 出版社The photographs of the delegates were not released to the press.create krieitvt.创造;引起Johns

8、on 映像;形象It was thought that the breakdown of Prince Charles marriage to Diana damaged his image.issue isju:n.问题;发行 vt.分发 vi.流出Retailers whore responsive and friendly are more likely to smooth over issues than those who arent so friendly.object bdiktn.宾语;对象;目的;物体 v.反对Many students objected to wearing

9、 silk stockings at school.potential ptenla.潜在的 n.潜力The agents were able to utilize their full potential and experiences to build up the company.rate reitn.比率;速度;价格 v.给定级;评估This is where cities expand quickly into rural areas, sometimes at a much faster rate than urban population growth.avoid vidvt.避

10、免;避开Frequent hand washing and avoiding close contact with people who have colds can reduce the likelihood of catching one.content kntentn.含量;内容 a.满意的 vt./n.(使)满意That talent show program was canceled for its improper content.contribute kntribjutvi.捐款;有助于International cooperation has contributed to so

11、lving environmental problems.physical fizikla.物理(学 )的;物质的;身体的 n.体检Its a physical impossibility to be in two places at once.account kauntn.账户;叙述;报告 vi.说明;占The human resources manager couldnt account for the the companys high staff turnover.according tok:diprep.按照 ;据 所说All parties concerned should act

12、 according to the provisions of the treaty.benefit benifitn.益处 v.有益于Not only the professionals but also the amateurs will benefit from the new training facilities.claim kleimvt.声称;要求;夺去 n.索赔Jobless claim above 400000 are considered a sign of munity kmju:nitin.团体;社区;群体Tianya is one of the most popula

13、r online community in China.decline diklainvi./n.下降;衰退 v.婉拒They declined to give details of his condition.focus fuksv.(使)聚焦 n.焦点;中心We focus our attention on seven types of advertising: television, newspapers, radio, magazines,out-of-home, Internet and direct mail.impact impktn.冲击;影响The cost of energ

14、y impacts heavily on every essential item in the family budget.promote prmutvt.促进;提升Techniques for promoting sleep would involve learning to control both mind and body so that sleep can occur.relationship rileinipn.关系Compromise is the key to a successful relationship, but that does not mean to let g

15、o of your principles.unite ju:naitv.(使)统一The crisis of war united the whole country.affect fektvt.影响;感动It had affected her relations with the British government.appeal pi:lvi./n.呼吁;申诉;有感染力 vt. 将上诉Netizens appeal to the public to help the laid-off workers.aware wa.意识到的Indeed, we are not aware of most

16、 aspects of our speech and understanding.capital kpitln.首都 a.大写的;首要的;斩首的 n.大写(字母);资本Its a decision of capital importance.concern kns:nvt.涉及;使担心 n.关心;重要的事People who are well are concerned with nutrition and exercise.credit kreditn.信用;贷方;荣誉;学分vt.相信;把记入贷方;把归功于Perhaps someone will casually glance throug

17、h your credit card purchase or cell phone bills to find out your shopping preferences or calling habits.determine dit:minvt.决定;确定;使下决心 vi.决意It is demeaning to say that beauty alone determines ones worth.flat flta.平坦的;平淡的 ;固定的ad.平直地;直截了当地 n.一套房间Everything here has gone flat and unprofitable.function

18、fknn.功能;重大聚会 vi.工作Laughter does produce short-term changes in the function of the heart and its blood vessels,boosting heart rate and oxygen consumption.march m:tvi.行军,前进;游行示威n.行进,行军,进军;游行示威;进行曲;(sing.)进行,进展The parade troops marched by Tiananmen.mine mainn.矿 v.开矿Gold is mined from deep underground.p

19、ublish pblivt.出版;公布First published in 1927, the charts remain an indispensable source for researchers.range reindn.排列;一系列;山脉;范围 v.变动; 涉及Applicants ages range from 25 to 30.specific spisifika.特有的;具体的 n.详情Some Japanese kindergartens have specific aims, such as early musical training or potential devel

20、opment.staff st:fn.全体职工 vt.为配备(人员)Staff at the centre will then contact the owner to confirm that the car really is missing.survey srvevt./n.测量;全面审视The new CNS Spectrums study was based on results of a nationwide telephone survey of more than 2 500 adults.Lesson 02challenge tlindvt.向挑战;对质疑 n.挑战(书);质

21、疑Keep in mind, however, that this view is challenged by some researchers.current krnta.流行的;现在的 n.流;电流; 潮流The current approach which focuses on younger people and on skills for employment is not adequate to meet the challenges of demographic(人口的) change.despite dispaitprep.不管Consider Laura Hillenbran

22、d, who despite an extremely weak body, wrote the best-seller Seabiscuit.enable ineiblvt.使能够The broad peasants feel indeed that the policy issued this year will enable them to make a lot of money.essential isenla.绝对必要的;本质的 n.要素;必需品The love of beauty is an essential part of all healthy human nature. (

23、John Ruskin) evidence evidnsn.显而易见;证据There is no solid evidence that people can control their dreams, at least in experimental situations in a lab.exchange iksteind n.交换;汇兑 vt.调换;交流Tomorrows wealth depends on the development and exchange of knowledge.expand ikspndv.扩大;膨胀The central government has ex

24、panded property purchasing limitations to second-tier and third-tier cities as it steps up efforts to cool the real estate market.feature fi:tn.面貌;特征 v.以为特色The beauty mark was the most outstanding facial feature of Marilyn Monroe.figure fin.体形;人物;肖像;数字 vt.计算;认为Although it was dark, we could make out

25、 the figure of a deer about ten yards away.fund fndn.基金;资金;储备 vt.为提供资金Part of the school sports fund will be used to improve the condition of the football field.maintain meinteinvt.维持;赡养;维修He failed again and again simply because he had maintained his defeatist attitude.matter mtn.事情;物质 vi.要紧,有关系Wha

26、t matters most is giving the children proper care.particular ptikjula.个别的;讲究的 ;详细的I went along thinking of nothing in particular, only looking at things around me.practice prktisn.练习;实践 v.练习;执业Knowledge is a treasury, but practice is the key to it.spot sptn.斑点;地点;少量 vt.认出Criminals are easily caught

27、on the spot with advanced technology.technology teknldin.工艺,技术You can also submit questions on subjects like marketing, publicity and technology.accordingly k:diliad.相应地;因此Just tell us the color and design you have in mind and well change them accordingly. approach protv.靠近 n.接近;途径;方法For example, ma

28、ny birds utter warning calls at the approach of danger.associate suieitv.(使)联合 n.伙伴;同事 a.副的The numbers associated with identity theft are beginning to add up fast these municate kmju:nikeitv.交流;传播The employee at the home office who can communicate well with foreign clients over the telephone or by f

29、ax machine is an obvious asset to the munication kmju:nikeinn.通讯;通讯系统;交通(工具)The stay-at-home children suffer from poor living conditions, lagging educational attainment, insecurity and difficultly in communication.contact kntktv.与取得联系 n.接触;熟人If you want to know some information, please contact me.cu

30、re kjuvt.治愈;矫正 n.治疗;药(剂)It is not economical to find a cure for each type of cold.depend dipendvi.依靠;决定于Whether a man is drawn to a womans body or her face may depend on whether he sees her as a short-term fling or a long-term lover.enhance inh:nsvt.提高And, of course, our ability to benefit from this

31、 high-tech communications equipment is greatly enhanced by foreign language skills.expense ikspensn.花费;开支His business was very successful, but it was at the expense of his family life.factor fktn.因素One factor that can influence consumers is their mood state.handle hndl n.柄 vt.拿;操作;应付Your behaviour m

32、ay give him a handle against you.ignore in:vt.不顾I cant ignore his rudeness any longer.infer inf:vt.推论It is possible to infer two completely opposite conclusions from this set of facts.journal d:nln.期刊;日志She may have put her notebook amid the journals.media mi:djn.新闻媒介This research has attracted wide

33、 coverage in the media.preference prefrnsn.喜爱;偏爱的事物(或人);优先(权)The applicants should be aware of the recipients preference with regard to the format.pursue psju:vt.追踪;继续从事;追求The police pursued the stolen vehicle along the motorway.relieve rili:vvt.减轻;使得到调剂;接替It has helped relieve hunger in some develo

34、ping countries.strengthen strenvt.加强Barack Obama was awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples“.suffer sfvt.遭受;承受 vi.受痛苦;受损No wonder so many of us suffer from emotional fatigue, a kind of utter exhaustion o

35、f the spirit.victim viktimn.牺牲品The mayor awarded the police officer a medal of honor for his heroic deed in rescuing the earthquake victims.adapt dpt v.适合;改编Advertiser using the print mediamagazines and newspapers will need to adapt to two main changes.apply plai vi.申请 vt.应用;涂Applying for artistic m

36、erit scholarships usually requires that students submit a portfolio (选辑) of some sort.assume sju:mvt.假定;承担;呈现They are assumed to have the ability to analyze and solve problems.available veilbla.在手边的;可得到的There should be more money available to support people in establishing a sense of identity and fi

37、nding constructive roles for the “third age“.boost bu:stvt.使增长 n.提高;推动The flood of women into the job market boosted economic growth.brand brndvt.打烙印;丑化 n.品牌Mobile phone manufacturer Nokia was second in the most loved brand list by the British.character kriktn.特征;性格;角色;(汉)字The behavior and character

38、 of children were strongly influenced by their social surroundings and everyday bine kmbainv.联合 n.联合企业(或团体);联合收割机Its more effective to combine listening with reading.crime kramn.罪Even problems with crime and aggressive behavior are reduced when there is contact with the natural world.distinguish dis

39、tiwiv.区分;看清;使杰出He has distinguished himself in city management.eventually iventjuliad.终于The image is already captured, but the way it eventually appears can vary based on the development process.facility fsilitin.灵巧;设备A nuclear policy research fellow said building nuclear facilities on the coast mea

40、nt they could never be completely safe from flooding and other natural phenomena.gap pn.缺口;间隔;差距Its this gap between expectation and reality which seems to trigger the womans desire to leave a marriage.indicate indikeitvt.指示;表明Yet one study after another indicates that contact with nature gives huge

41、 benefits to ADHD (多动症) children.measure men.度量单位;措施They took effective measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping.occasion keinn.时机;盛会;起因It is always said the values and spirit of an individual or a nation usually are put to the test on special occasions.profit prfitn.利润;利益 v.有益于They are try

42、ing to exploit the waste discharged by the factory for profit.project prdekt vt.投射;伸出 n.计划;课题;工程Young men are fitter to invent than to judge, fitter for execution than for counsel, and fitter for new projects than for settled business.(Francis Bacon) Lesson 03quit kwitv.停止;离开,辞(职)Ive given my secret

43、ary notice to quit.responsible rispnsbla.需负责任的;有责任感的To a certain extent, the guide was responsible for the delay of the travel.risk riskvt.使遭受危险 n.风险;引起危险的事物(或人)You would be running a risk to let your child go to school by himself.schedule skdul, -ul, skdln.时刻表;清单 vt.安排We finished paying off our deb

44、ts a year ahead of schedule.security sikjuritin.保障;抵押品;证券The security guards threw out anyone without a pass.stress stresn.压力;重音 vt.强调,重读First, suppressed emotions can contribute to stress-related disorders.trend trendn.趋势Love was no longer the most important factor for a woman to be happy which is

45、perhaps reflected in the growing trend that many Chinese women are opting to remain single.admission dminn.进入权;承认;入场费In absence of admission ticket, he was driven out of the classroom.apart p:tad.相隔;分离 a.分离的The country was ripped apart by the racial conflict.attempt temptvt./n.试图All their attempts t

46、o rescue the child from the burning building were in vain.award w:dn.奖品;奖金 vt.授予;判给My every achievementjobs, research papers, awardswas viewed through the lens of gender politics.budget bditn.预算 vi.编预算 vt.规划 a.低廉的How much is your budget for the advertisement?complain kmpleinv.抱怨He complained to the waiter that his meal was pound kmpaundn.化合物,复合物 vt.使化合 ,使合成 ;使加重,使恶化Scientists can compound an increasing number of substances to produce new drugs.


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