Project 1A holiday album Which country would you like to visit?Lets talkLets talkThe 1st stopThe 1st stopDenmark( 丹麦)Anderson 安徒生 The 1The 1stst stop stopDenmark 背诵课文不仅可以提高我们说英语的能力,还可以帮助我们记住词语,增强语感。要想取得好的背诵效果,我们需要在理解的基础上熟读课文。Recite the text.See page 90.Story timeStory timeRead and completeRead and completeOnce there (be) an emperor, he (live) in a palace.One day, two men (come) to his palace. They (say) they (can) .At last, the clothes (are) ready. The emperor (take) off his clothes and (put) on