高考英语强化语法之路1 . 为什么要学习英语语法?为了作对选择题?2 . 为了能够看懂句式结构复杂的段落文字,理解其真正的意思 在写作和口语的时候,尽量不要犯语法错误,造成词不达意 对自己要求高一点就是写作的提高,用词和用句结构多变一些,做到简洁明了。3 .听力20%阅读20%七选五6%完型20%语篇语法10%改错7%作文17%高考英语总分1504 . 学习语法重要吗?那还用说吗?5 .The adobe dwelling( 土坯房) 61 (build) by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even 62 most modern of architects and engineers. In addition to their simple beauty, what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their 63 (able) to “air condition” a house without 64 (use) electric equipmen