肿瘤抗血管生成药物基础与临床的探索和思考 1大家好2016晚期NSCLC治疗的热点回顾*Breakdown is based on the lung cancer abstracts selected for inclusion in the Genentech CI planner and includes abstracts for competitor products and other abstracts of interest related to the product or research area specified. Bevacizumab abstracts include mesothelioma indication抗血管生成治疗仍是研究焦点数据来自于 2016年ASCO的203 项肺癌领域关键摘要*:靶向治疗领域报道了有深远影响的研究成果 肿瘤免疫治疗持续升温BevacizumabALKCancer ImmunotherapyEGFR mu肿瘤免疫治疗占主导地位,抗血管生成治疗依然是焦点主要内容经历 昨天把握 今天展望 明天3大家好41800 197119