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1、研究生基础英语课后答案 Unit1-5 - - - - - - 单词词组互译 - - - - - - - - 英译汉 communication satellite 通讯卫星 mobile telephony 移动通讯 intelligent robot 智能机器人 clone 克隆 telecommunications 远程通讯 stock holder 股东 taxing authority 税务机关 charitable organization 慈善机构 nonprofit firm 非盈利公司 sales forecast 销售预测 economic forecast 经济预测 to

2、urist resort 旅游胜地 landscape scenery 山水风光 virgin forest 原始森林 hitchhiking 沿途免费搭乘他人便车旅行 outdoor adventures 户外冒险活动 a camper 野营者 antibiotic 抗生素 gene 基因 El Nino 厄尔尼塔 marine 海产的 ,海运的,舰队,海运业 vitamin 维生素 humility 谦逊 endeavor n none of this will matter if newspapers eventually disappear . A. no b. either c. n

3、one 加 of 没有任何 d.neither纽约时报将很快刊登彩色广告,如果报纸最终将消失的话,这没有任何关系。9. We stood up , thinking through the possibilities ,There werent many . 前面有否定词 A. some 一些 b. much 很多不可数 c. few 没几个 d.many 许多我们站起来,考虑这件事的可能性,可能性不大。10. Melton Brown was the only salon producing its own shampoos and hair-care products, all based

4、 on herbal recipes. A.all b. everything c. something d.much梅尔顿布朗是唯一一家生产自己的洗发水和护发品的厂家,所有产品都根据草药配方制造。Unit5 B) Choose the appropriate word for each sentence,using the proper form.选择合适的词填句子,使用正确的形式。Practice/exercise 实践、实践场所/ 锻炼、演习1. An aircraft carrier and nineteen warships left the naval base today for

5、 exercises at sea . 一架航母和十九只战舰今天离开海军基地进行海上演习。2. He returned to South Carolina in 1966 and established his own legal practice . 1966 年,他回到南加利福尼亚并建立起他自己的律师事务所。Threat/threaten 威胁 名词 / 威胁 动词3. The kidnappers threatened to kill the hostages unless they received a ransom of $500,000.绑架者威胁要杀死人质除非他们受到 50 万赎

6、金。 注意过去时加 ed.4. In his inaugural address Lincoln repeated that his government posed no threat to slavery in the states . 在他的就职演讲中,林肯再三说道他的政府对美国的奴隶制没有任何威胁。War/warfare 战争 / 战争状态 通常表示确切的化学战、大战等5. If they had negotiated a peace earlier they could have avoided this terrible , bloody war . 如果他们早先谈判达成和平,他们

7、本来可以避免这场可怕的血腥的战争。6. He flew nine special missions in that area in 2003 and has experience with biological warfare . 生物战固定词组2003 年,他执行了九个特殊任务,并掌握了生物战的经验。Restore/recover 恢复、重建/身体康复7. The object of the war to restore the Union ; but the cause of the war was slavery . 战争的目标是恢复联盟,但战争的起因是奴隶制。8. It took he

8、r three months to recover her spirits after that unexpected blow . 在那个意外的打击之后,她花了三个月的时间来使得精神康复。Reflect/deflect 反映/转移9. The newspaper aims to reflect the views of the middle class. 这家报纸的目的在于反映中产阶级的观点。 10. Their main purpose was to deflect attention from the opponents criticism . 他们主要目的是转移对手批评的注意力- -

9、- - - - 介词填空 - - - - - - Uint2 III Prepositions and adverbs 介词和副词Fill each blank with an appropriate preposition or adverb. 用适当的介词或副词填空。1. He said that they should examine all the costs involved in the project first. 他说他们应该首先检查这个工程涉及的成本。固定词组,涉及 2. Dealing with this diversity of human resources in th

10、e 2010s and beyond will be a significant challenge to managers. 固定词组,对挑战在 2010 年和之后处理人力资源的多样性并将对经理们是个重大的挑战。3. Smiths Tuesday morning experiences are typical of managerial work, which is varied, fragmented, and difficult to plan and organize. 固定词组,典型的史密斯星期二早上的经历是典型的管理工作,这种工作是多样的、散碎的并且很难计划和组织。4. Effec

11、tive managers may be one of a developed countrys most valuable resources, and they are one of the most needed resources in less developed countries . 效率高的经理可能是发达国家最有价值的资源之一,他们在不太发达的国家是最需要的资源之一。 less 副词,修饰形容词,表示较少的 5. The specific tasks of a manager in a college or university department differ from t

12、hose of people managing in other organizations .大学部门经理的具体任务不同于在其他组织中从事管理工作的人的任务 固定词组,不同于6. Bad management results in poor employee morale, poor quality, low productivity, and unnecessary employee-employer conflicts . 固定词组,导致劣质的管理导致职员士气不佳,质量差,产量低以及不必要的雇主和员工之间的冲突。7. Errors in judgement for job hunting

13、 can prevent even the finest candidate from landing the job she or he wants . 固定词组,在方面的错误。求职的判断错误会阻止最好的候选人得到他或她获得想要的工作。8. The business plan is a written document that clearly defines the goals of a business and outlines the methods for achieving them . 固定词组, 的方法商业计划是一份书面文件,该文件明确规定了商业的目标并列出了实现目标的方法。9

14、. Rapid technological developments in transportation and communications have brought the peoples of the world closer together in a physical sense. 固定词组,在意义上交通和通讯方面的快速的技术发展已经使得全世界的人们在物理意义上更加接近。10. A recent survey revealed that 54 percent considered a foreign language necessary for doing business abro

15、ad . 副词,在国外最近的调查显示 54%的人们认为一门外语是在国外做生意所必须的。Unit3 1. He said that they should examine all the costs involved in the project first . 他说他们应当首先检查该过程涉及的所有成本。2. That is the usual way the telecommunications company deals with complaints. 这是电信公司处理投诉的通常方式。固定词组,处理3. Despite a thorough investigation, no trace

16、of the escaped prisoner has been found. 尽管进行了彻底调查,但是没有发现逃犯的任何踪迹。 副词,尽管4. About 1000 local workers were employed in the tourism industry last year. 去年,大约 1000 名当地个人受雇于旅游工业。固定词组,雇佣在行业5. At the heart of Dr. Piagets theories was an orderly schedule of stages, of childrens perceptions by age. 固定词组 ,在的中心P

17、iaget 博士的理论核心是孩子们按年龄接受事物,是一个有序的阶段时刻表。UNIT5 第 71 页1. She never lost faith in Steven who was now under heavy criticism on account of his failure. 她从来没有对史蒂文丧失信心,他由于失败正承受严厉的批评。固定词组,对失去信心2. At the moment Natasha is on the point of losing her self-control. 当时,娜塔莎正处于失控的状态。固定词组,在点上3. After a cabinet meeting

18、 in the morning and a drive with Mary in the afternoon , Lincoln was in excellent spirits . 固定词组,精神状态良好早上开完内阁会议,下午又和玛丽驾驶一段行程之后,林肯的精神状态极佳。4. His wife did not want him to run for the Presidency because she feared for his safety. 他的妻子不愿让人竞选总统,因为她害怕他的安全。固定词组,为感到害怕。5. The white mist was so thick that at five paces from the house one saw nothing but a shadowy mass . 固定词组,如此以致白雾如此浓以至于离房子五步远的地方除了朦胧的一大片什么也看不见。6. Nature is a friend whom we keep until death, and into whom we shall enter when we die. 自然是我们终生的朋友,当我们死时,我们将进入自然。


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