2022/12/91Outlinen 國外實施反向房貸之經驗與市場發展n 台灣發展反向房貸貸款之理由n 台灣推行反向房貸之潛在問題與風險n 台灣實施反向房貸之相關配套措施2022/12/92國外實施反向房貸之經驗與市場發展2022/12/93n The loans accrue interest and are only repaid once the people is died or the house is sold.n The loan amount is based on borrowers age, home value, and current interest rates.3$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $Loan PeriodDie Age 62 Whats Reverse Mortgage Products?2022/12/94Product Featuresn Providern Government or Private n Bank or Insurance Companyn Borrowers Agen Interest Raten Risk Manage