学习汇报者:涂金伟Drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome (DIHS)HISTORYDrug-Induced Hypersensitivity Syndrome (DIHS), was first recognized in 1950 by Chaiken, in a patient using anticonvulsant.Later,SaItzstein described this kind of drug reaction as pseudo lymphomaIn the 1960s with the development of carbamazepine, the disease named antispasmodic syndromein addition to anticonvulsants,diaphenylsulfone(DDS).allopurinol(别 嘌 醇 ),salazosulfapyridine(柳 氮 磺 胺 吡 啶 ) and dapsone(氨苯砜) can also cause DIHSDefition D