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1、 页 1词伙第 1 类 全球化Worst-affected country 最受影响的国家At the international level 在国际范围内Diplomatic row 外交争吵Financial resources 资金 The adequacy of Multinational enterprisesMultinational companies跨国企业Across boundaries 跨越国界Global financial centre 全球金融中心Business hubs 商业中心Enhance social integration 加强社会融合The domes

2、tic market 国内市场Implications for the economy 经济影响 has profound implications for the economyThe gap between the haves and the have-nots贫富差距 Widen Competitive job market 竞争激烈的劳动力市场Seek employment 求职Potential recruits 潜在的应聘人Suffer stressSuffer from more pressure感到压力Urban sprawlUrban expansion城市扩张Prospec

3、tive citizens 申请入籍的人Non-English speaking migrants 母语非英语的移民Indigenous peopleLocal residents本土人Citizenship 国籍第 2 类 政府Government/Public fundsPublic expenditure (on)Government investment (in)公共资金、开支Budget constraints 预算限制Political leadership 政府领导力Give priority to 把放在首位Enforce 制定法律页 2Formulate + lawsEnac

4、tImprove citizens living standards 提高居民生活水平Health service 医疗服务Social stabilityProduce a better society社会稳定Reduce traffic congestion 减少交通堵塞Trigger conflicts 引发冲突第 3 类 科技Technological devices 技术设备Massive technological change 大规模技术变化Online activity 上网 E-communication 网络交流Social networking websites 社交网站

5、Education content 教育性内容enable users to acquire knowledgeBroaden ones horizonsWiden our vision开阔眼界Expand knowledgeIncrease/broaden/widen knowledge扩宽知识Exercise different optionsPowerful functioning applications 强大的功能应用Present information 提供信息Provide different options 提供不同选项Brainstorm ideas 集思广益Embrace

6、 creative ideas 拥抱创意Put ideas into practice 把想法付诸实践StifleUse creativityFire imaginationCapture抑制运用 创造力促进 想象力激发Biotech industry 生物技术领域页 3Vulnerable to an attack by online criminals容易受到网络罪犯的攻击第 4 类 环境The whole ecosystem 整个生态系统Global environmental problems 环境问题Global environmental degradation/destructi

7、on环境恶化Stain on environment 环境压力At environments expense 环境代价Human activities 人类活动(Would) suffer sooner or later 早晚都要遭报应Climate change 气候变化Global warming 全球变暖Glaciers Melting 冰川融化Sea level rise 海平面上升淡水减少汽车尾气排放Release/discharge pollutants 排放污染物Carbon footprint 碳足迹Leave carbon footprintAir pollution/con

8、tamination 大气污染Greenhouse effect 温室效应Acid train 酸雨Deteriorating environment 生活环境恶化污染物增加The increase of litter/garbage 垃圾增多废水增多Radioactive waste disposal 放射物的污染处理Energy crisis 能源危机Water shortageThe shortage of water recourses水资源短缺Deforestation 森林减少Overgrazing 过度放牧Lower fertility 土地生产力下降Food supply pr

9、oblem 食品供应不足Famine 饥荒Resources 资源Deplete nature recourses 耗尽自然资源Non-renewable resources 不可再生资源Fossil fuels 化石燃料Renewable resources 可再生资源Alternative energy 可替代资源页 4Hydro power 水电Wind power 风能Solar power 太阳能Tidal power 潮汐能Hydride power 氢能Natural disasters 自然灾害Droughts 干旱Floods 洪灾Sand storms 沙尘暴Violent

10、 storms 雷暴Suitable solution 解决方法Mitigate the environmental impact 减少对环境的影响Tackle pollution 减少、处理污染Sustain the environment 保护环境Sustainable development 可持续发展世界Global cooperation 全球合作Achieve/reach the agreement 达成共识Set international standards forenvironmental protection/conservation/preservation制定环境保护的

11、国际标准政府Enforce environmental laws 制定环保政策Forbid/ curb Unenvironmentalbehaviour禁止破坏环境的行为Tax disposable packaging 给一次性包装收税Low-carbon economy 鼓励低碳经济发展Encourage Low-carbon economyContain pollution 控制污染Improve air quality 改善空气质量Treat waste effectively 有效地处理垃圾科技Invest in and research Exploit 投资研发大力发展Environ

12、mental friendly technology 环保科技Energy-saving technology 节能科技 见可再生资源Renewable green energy 可再生的清洁能源Less polluting or fuel-efficient cars/vehicles燃油高效性汽车Hi-tech solutions 高科技的解决方法企业Conserve energy 节约资源Environmental friendly products 推出环保产品页 5Promote environmental friendly productsGreen consuming habit

13、s 引导大众绿色消费习惯Lead/guide the public to enter green consuming habits个人Make a conscious effort to 有意识地Take action 采取行动Fight against climate change 抵制气候变化Raise green/environmental awareness 提升环保意识Conservation activities 保护活动Low-carbon lifestyle 倡导低碳生活方式Appeal low-carbon life styleTake public transport, c

14、arpool or ride abicycle乘坐公共交通工具、拼车或骑自行车Throwaway products 避免使用一次性产品Avoid using throwaway productsEco-friendly alternatives/substitution 使用生态友好型替代品Use eco-friendly alternatives/substitutionSort daily garbage 生活垃圾分类Consume less and recycle more 少消耗多回收第 5 类 社会文化、观念和生活方式Culture exchange 文化交流Inactive lif

15、estyle 不同的生活方式The erosion of (some) traditional values 传统文化价值的缺失工作 & 财富Be economically better ofBecome financially well-offBecome more affluent经济条件宽裕Material wealth 物质财富pay closer attention to material wealth, 注重物质财富but fail to attach importance to family life. 忽略家庭生活OverworkingWork Overtime工作过度加班工作

16、Lead a hectic life 过着忙碌的生活Perform poorly 表现很差Enjoy the company of family 享受家庭生活Luxury goods, such asGrand housesFancy/luxury cars奢侈品(房、车、物件)Be able to afford / form an important part of their well-being.页 6Hi-tech gadgetsGet a foot on the property ladder 买自己的房子Shopaholic 购物狂Everyday expenditure 日常消费

17、Necessities of modern life 现实生活的必需品Non-essential items 不必要的物品Resist the temptation to 克制欲望A housing crisisShortage of houses房屋紧缺私家车 & 环境、健康(Unlimited) private car ownershipPrivate car use私家车的使用Restrict the private car useRestrict the use of private carLimit the number of cars限制私家车的使用Involve fuel con

18、sumption 消耗燃油Create exhaust fumes 排放废气Deteriorate air quality 破坏大气质量(As) air quality deteriorates, 随着空气质量的破坏Suffer from respiratory diseases 遭受呼吸系统疾病Hospital admission (will) increase 入院人数增加饮食、肥胖 & 健康Genetically modified crops 转基因农产品Poor diet 不好的饮食Fast foodJunk food垃圾食品Staple food 主食Lean meat 瘦肉Epid

19、emic of obesity 肥胖蔓延Fat content 脂肪比重Physical degeneration 体质下降Fall sick 生病Lose weight 减肥Go on a diet 节食Detox diet 排毒减肥餐Regular exercise 经常锻炼 (regular = usual)Improve individuals well-being 加强身体健康旅游页 7Travelling overseas 出境游Leisure activities 休闲活动第 6 类 教育Meet admission requirementsMeet entry requirem

20、entsMeet entrance standards符合入学要求Secondary education 中等教育Receive a college educationuniversitytertiary接受大学教育Core coursesOptional courses主课选修 curriculumIncrease knowledgeConduct academic studies增加知识做学术研究大学 职能Theoretical knowledge 理论知识Improve/enhance studentsintellectual skills提高学习能力Broaden ones mindK

21、eep abreast of the latest development扩宽视野Gain more knowledge and experience 获得更多知识和经验Seize opportunities 把握机会Career prospectEmployment prospectJob outlook职业前景Promising futureJob outlook is bright好的前景Leave schoolGraduate毕业Graduate unemployment 毕业生失业率Private fostering 收养孩子Guardianship 监护权Close family

22、member 近亲Birth parents 亲生父母Responsible adult 靠谱的成年人Fertility watching 生育监管机构Target children 针对小孩页 8第 7 类 媒体Affect consumers shopping habits andproduct preferences消费习惯产品偏好Customer-focused 以顾客为导向的Boost ones confidence in (products) 提高对产品的信心Satisfy ones need 满足需求Perform important functions 执行重要功能Press

23、barons 媒体业巨头Media exposure 媒体曝光The right to free speech and a free press 言论自由和媒体自由第 8 类 犯罪The illegal use 非法使用Violent crimes 暴力犯罪Race violence 种族暴力Gun control 枪支管制Gun violence 枪支暴力Criminal offence 刑事犯罪Break the lawDisobey the lawDo something outside the lawDelinquencyCrimes违法Commit suicide 自杀Reduce

24、crime 减少犯罪Combat crime 打击犯罪CurbDeter + crime抑制犯罪CurbDeter + drink driving抑制酒驾第 9 类 动物Animals which face extinction 面临灭绝的动物Be threatened with extinction 面临灭绝Endangered species 濒危物种Keep these species alive 保持物种存活Human-caused disturbances 人为干扰Pose a threat to nature habitats 对自然栖息地构成威胁Contaminate the f

25、ood chain 破坏食物链页 9Destroy/Keep the ecological balance 破坏/ 维持生态平衡Intensive farming 密集种植Restrict mobility 限制行动Be locked up in cages 被关在笼子里Natural behaviour 本能Hunting instinct 狩猎本能Professional zookeepers 专业饲养员Captive breeding programmes 圈养繁殖计划Reintroduced to natural habitats 重回自然栖息地Preserve biodiversit

26、y 保护物种多样性Funding for conservation 动物保护基金第 10 类 妇女、老人和年轻人Male-dominated word 男人占主导位置的世界(男人支配)Fulfil oneself 实现抱负Rear a child (alone) 抚养小孩常用The focus of public concern 公众关注焦点Central question 核心问题The inescapable fact is that 无法回避的问题是Open to discussion 值得商榷The former/latter 前者 or 后者Tradeoff 折中条件Side wit

27、h 支持Supporters 支持者Pros and cons 优缺点The pros and cons of will be discussed belowOutline the cause (of) 概括原因Propose solutions 提出解决方法TackleHandle + the problemsDeal with处理问题Take measures to 采取措施There are many measures we can take to solve this problem, 我们可以采取很多措施解决这一问题页 10Deserve immediate attention 应立

28、即得到注意and some of them deserve immediate attention. 其中一些必须立即引起我们的重视Pose a threat toPose a potential menace对造成威胁Make concerted efforts to 齐心协力 People from different countries should make concerted efforts to solve this problem.Everything go on as usual 一切照常Lay a foundation for 为奠定基础Have a lifelong imp

29、act on 一生的影响修饰词Non-essential 不必要的The proliferation of 的扩散The adequacy of 充足的Be crucial to 至关重要动词Recognize the value of 认识到的价值连接词引言In a way 在某种情况下In general 一般而言As a general rule 照例In many cases 通常More often than not 通常,多半In most cases 在绝大多数情况下Not surprisinglyUndoubtedlyIt is undeniable that 无可置疑的是There is no denying that It is generally accepted that 众所周知的是并列Likewise 同样地、也MeanwhileBesidesIn additionWhats more 口语递进


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