NLP的基本精神:十二条前提假设1、没有两个人是一样的。No two persons are the same.2、一个人不能控制另外一个人。One person cannot change another person.3、有效用比有道理更重要。Usefulness is most important4、只有由感官经验塑造出来的世界,没有绝对的真实世界。The map is not territory.NLP的基本精神:十二条前提假设5、沟通的意义决定于对方的回应。The meaning of communication is the response one gets.6、重复旧的做法,只会得到旧的结果。Repeating the same behavior will repeat the same result.7、凡事必有至少三个解决方法。There are at least three solutions to every situation.8、每个人都选择给自己最佳利益的行为。Every one chooses the best behavior at the momen