国际音标第三讲1PPT课件双元音/e/a/a/e/2PPT课件/e/发音发音由/e/向/I/滑动,下颚向上合拢,舌位随之抬高发声时声带震动,/e/音响亮清晰,较长;/I/音轻弱模糊,较短3PPT课件/pe/be/le/ne/me/ze/se/fe/ve/ge/de/te/ke/we/he/re/e/e/je/4PPT课件常见字母和字母组合a make snake name faceai mail pain paint gain ay day play way mayey they hey grey obeyeigh eight weight neighbor freight 5PPT课件想一想,填一填C_ke 蛋糕 s_me 同样的 tr_ _n 火车T_ble 桌子 pl_ne 飞机 s_ _ 说Mist_ke 错误 gr_ _t 伟大的6PPT课件读一读,练一练1.Its a great day today.2.Never make same mistake again.7PPT课件巩固练习1.A coachs job is to train the people in sport