Chapter 15 遗传性疾病的分子诊断遗传性疾病的分子诊断1.There are many different techniques that can be used to diagnose the globin gene mutations,including gap-PCR,ARMS-PCR,and RE analysis of amplified product.globin:球蛋白:球蛋白Key Points2.Hemophilia is a congenital disease of the coagulation disorders which constitute recessive disorders linked to chromosome X.The study was carried out by the SSCP,RELP,Southern blot,VNTR,and STR.hemophilia:血友病;:血友病;congenital disease:先天性疾病;:先天性疾病;coagulation:凝固,凝结;:凝固,凝结;recessive:隐性:隐性