(一)无灵主语1、心理,情绪:(a burst/wave/sense) +情感名词+有灵动词+sb.(1)Mary felt a wave of anger sweep over her.玛丽感到一阵愤怒。(2)Guilt and worry flooded over her. 内疚和担忧一阵阵涌上她的心头。(3)Before the competition her confidence suddenly failed her。她在比赛前突然失去了信心。2、主语是表示身体部位/音容笑貌的名词+有灵动词(1)My fingers shook with anger, so that I could not go on sewing.我气得手指发抖,没法继续缝了。(2)I was relieved when a bright, sweet voice interrupted us.(3)The moment he saw the familiar handwriting, tears welled up in his eyes.他一看到熟悉的字迹,便