ICU的镇静与镇痛的镇静与镇痛1 1定义定义n nSedation镇静The act of calming,especially by the administration of a sedative drug.通过药物手段使病人处于平静安详的状态。n nHypnosis催眠A state of altered consciousness,artificially induced.人为诱导使得意识改变。2 2定义定义n nAnalgesia 镇痛A the blunting or absence of sensation of pain or noxious stimuli.使疼痛或有害刺激减轻或消失n nAmnesia 遗忘The loss of impairment of memory.失去或损害记忆3 3定义定义n nAnxiety 焦虑A state of intense apprehension,uncertainty and fear 一种强烈的忧虑,不确定和恐惧的状态n nAgitation 躁动A state of anxiety accompanied by moto