武 术 概 述General introduction of Wushu一、武术的概念 二、套路运动三、功法运动四、格斗运动 目录CATALOGConcept of WushuFightingTao lu(Routine)Specialized exercises 武术已经在中国存在了几千年,在不同时期武术的内容不同,名字也不同,但现在统一称为“武术”,这是经过多年的发展演变而形成的一个专用名词。一、武术的概念 Concept of WushuWushu has existed for thousands of years in China.It has different content and names in different times,but now they are collectively called“Wushu”.This is a special term formed after years of development and evolution.功功 夫夫武 功武武 艺艺武 术历代与武术有关的称谓Wu shuKung fuDifferent appella