第四章:句子翻译技巧(上)l教学目的:要求熟练理解句子的翻译技巧,从而在英汉翻译时做到通顺、准确。l教学内容:1.增词法2.省译法3.词类转换4.正说反译、反说正译法5.翻译练习1、22第四章:翻译技巧第四章:翻译技巧增词法增词法 By amplification we mean supplying necessary words in our translation work so as to make the version correct and clear,to make it more like the language translated into.Of course words thus supplied must indispensable either syntactically or semantically.In other words,a translator is not supposed to add any meaning to the original.There are two kinds:1)Words for syntactic construc