霉疯和映獭操尼中饱忍嫂口坯阵芦次稻偶娥猴桐授稻帽褪鸭苔破抑噶拧腾英语学习翻译理论与实践英语学习翻译理论与实践翻译理论与实践翻译理论与实践 唆壕痛氧踢家助瑰西每羊多诡惦矣射急戮陌杏诧生筷杆剑黑阻斤拓初播北英语学习翻译理论与实践英语学习翻译理论与实践Course Description&Requirements Description:This course named Translation Theory and Practice aims at cultivating the SS ability of translating between E-C they have the ability to understand and master some basic theories and techniques about translation.E.g.the the brief history of Chinese and western translation theory,brief history of Chinese and western translation theo